CHAPTER III: The Hermit Reversed

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After Jared showed you around the town yesterday, you decided that you wanted to check it out for yourself as well. So, after a walk around the place, you first decide to enter the church. There, you meet the only person that still goes there: Foolish. Foolish is just another odd person in this weird town, although he seems to have a kind heart. He welcomed you in and told you a bit more about the town, although there were some things he most definitely let out. You don't know the reason, but he seems to really want to tell you more.

In the church, you find paintings and statues of people you do not recognize. There's one figure who keeps appearing in the art of the beautiful church, but in every single piece, their head has been cut off or painted over. "Who is that?" you ask as you point at the holy-looking being and Foolish laughs. But every time you ask this, he just changes the subject.

After some time, you leave the church again with the promise to Foolish to return. While you're wandering around the rest of the town, you start realizing some interesting things about the building.

First of all, there weren't any crosses. Sure, it's not a Christian church: Foolish hasn't even told you anything about the religion itself to begin with, so it's safe to assume it's just there for the show and community. Either that, or it has something to do with the people of whom there were statues. Other than the decapitated creature, after all, there also were some sculptures of Erinys, creatures from Greek mythology, and some paintings of a woman with wings. She really looked like what everyone thinks Mothman looks like, actually.

One of the paintings, even, the one hanging above the altar, has the decapitated being, that you think is a seraph, the Erinys and Mothman on it. Next to them, the maker had painted a man with black, feathered wings and on the other side someone who resembled the Grim Reaper a little, at least judging by the scythe they carried.

In any case, it's obvious that it wasn't a Christian church, but it still looks like one. So, you're quite surprised that there isn't anything that one would relate to Christianity. No crosses, no holy water font, nothing. And there weren't any other holy items, or items that would in any way be connected to religion.

When you mention it to Foolish, he just shrugs it off.

Next place on the list, is the library. Even if Jared talked shit about it, you know that you'll always love libraries. Hell yeah. Let's go, books. It's time to make some new friends.

Ironically, you actually did manage to make a new friend. At least, you assume you can call him a friend. Technoblade, his name is. You're just looking through the many shelves of books when the stranger approaches you.

"Hey," he simply says. The sudden sound of his voice startles you, since you don't see him at first, and you almost get a heart attack.

"Fucking Hell, hello there, didn't see you at first."

"Am I that scary?" the man says with an empty chuckle and you look him up and down.

"Yeah, you are," you simply answer and again, an empty chuckle leaves his mouth.

"I'm offended," he states, but you see that he's not being serious. Even if he were, though, you don't think you would've been able to tell.

"So, is there anything I can help you with? I mean, probably not, since you're talking to me in a library and I don't work here, but still."

"Not really, I haven't seen you before in here, so I was wondering if you're new to the town."

"Yeah, I am. I've already had a tour, by the way. I'm not missing anyway."

"That's not what I'm concerned about," the man laughs as he holds out his hand. "The name's Technoblade, by the way."

"Y/N. I live in the apartment complex close to the forest."

The Rhythm of Your Heart [Yan!DSMP x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora