CHAPTER LI: Seven of Cups Reversed

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By Avery!

A grumpy groan leaves your lips as you frustratedly look through the books in Karl's library, this time not seeking answers regarding the obsessions of the citizens of this city, nor trying to find explanations for your own energy. No, this time you want to know more about the flower, and its meanings, and where you've seen it before. While it gives you such a strong feeling of home, such a strong sense of nostalgia, it confuses you. It alarms you.

"Are you sure you don't want something to drink?" Karl then asks, having done so continuously, almost as if he is desperately looking for an excuse to be close to you. You, however, once again shake your head, desperately searching for the flower in the book. The warlock looks rather unsure at your answer, glancing over at his partners, who are standing in the hall, observing your being in silence. Meanwhile, you are being silent yourself. Never have you been this quiet, you're sure. Such a deep concentration, has never been seen before. Not while you boredly dragged yourself through your high school career, not even while you made your exams to finish your studies. Never have you been this involved when it comes to finding information. Because this is not only an interest to you, but a missing bit of information which you needily desire, knowing that there's got to be something you should at least be aware of.

"So," Quackity eventually says, taking steps towards you too, putting his hands on the table, left on your left and the right on your right, almost as though he's trying to surround you. He spreads his broken wings, humming interestingly as he doesn't continue, despite you having stopped your reading to listen to his words.

"What is it, Q?" you groan, looking up to meet his face upside down.

"What are you even looking for, is all I wanted to ask? You didn't seem to be the type to me that could... read."

"I can read. I mean, I can't read well, but I can most definitely read," you mumble. "And what I'm looking for is not of the importance to you."

"Is it about the flowers?" Sapnap asks, now approaching you as well, much more sceptical. "Stories say someone has gifted you a chrysanthemum. Do you have any suspicions as to whom it may be?"

"No, and unless you can tell me who it is, it's none of your fucking business, Sap," you respond, still grumpy, as you continue reading through the words, Karl eyeing the poltergeist with an insisting look. Sapnap sighs, not shutting his mouth, much to your distaste, while Quackity doesn't even allow you to look at anything other than him.

"I can feel the ground pulse, you know. Right now. It's as if the town is alive."

"I don't feel anything," you comment, but the fallen angel and wizard scratch the back of their heads, both saying that it must be a paranormal-creature-thing, then.

"I can feel it constantly. The further I get away from the centre, though, the less strong it seems. The more I despise it too, but oddly enough, I also despise being close to that thing."

"I'm starting to think the town itself is alive, and not just the creatures inside. Do you think it's because Crimson's shield is still down?"

"It seems to me that that's the only logical explanation. What else is it supposed to be?"

"Unless it's the Flower," Karl suddenly remarks, basically saying your thoughts out loud, as his fiancés look at him confusedly. Quackity now fully turns to his lover, meaning you have personal space again, though he doesn't take a step away from your presence. "I mean, think about it. Its aura grows stronger each day, both alluring and disgusting creatures in Urvorum. It's growing more, meaning its roots must also be. What if that's what we feel?"

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