CHAPTER XXI: Temperance

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Already being in the depths of the forest, Jared and you walk through the nature which feels like it's reaching out to you. The trees with their arms, with their claws holding each other's, protecting a human and a ghost from the bright moon summoning the monsters. Thanks to your rapid walking and Jared's ability to float above the ground, you immediately listened to Eret's tip and already quickly approached wherever the fuck this Cathedral would be. Jared should know the way.

"It's going back, back, back, back, they've been through this before. It's going back, back, back, back, the final page of the lore," Jared and you sing while walking on the beat of the song, which cannot be heard. "The sound of cheer, the need for fear. The souls of the kids are free, rewind the tears."

Honestly, neither of you are really thinking of whether or not it's a good idea to make this much sound during your little march, but you didn't know what you should talk about otherwise. Besides, nobody else should be in this part of the woods, so you assumed it would be safe. Which is a foolish conclusion to come to, of course.

"... And there was a creature. It had these giant wings and looked at us with these burning, red eyes, I can still remember it clearly."

You can vaguely remember these words that Dream spoke, thanks to your terrible memory and tendency to get distracted, but you are aware and alert.

Now, you do believe that once in a while, you see a shadow out of the corners of your eyes, but as soon as you crossed the borders towards the territory of this apparent monster, any sign of someone following you has disappeared. Instead, it's been deadly quiet here, with no abnormalities present whatsoever. So, either you're safe, or whatever terrible demon is lurking in this forest is actually good at its job.

If anything, the lack of events is what terrifies you. Sure, the tension of constantly suspecting something will go wrong works in a horror movie, since it can unsettle the viewers, but in reality, nothing being off is way more dangerous, since it will give the individual no real reason to be as careful as they should be.

But you're not allowing yourself to become naïve. Something can still attack you, you just have to beware.

Honestly, though, despite the many fearful beings that could be creeping up on you any second, you're relaxed. More relaxed than you were back in the town, at least. For once, you don't feel on edge, or exhausted, or like someone's about to come at you every moment. It's very calming. And Jared too, feels a lot more carefree than he did on the bench, although this can also be because this day may now become something new: something other than the day he died.

Without any problems, the two of you continue walking, still singing songs when something catches your eyes. Not once have you ever seen the winged being and neither has Jared, so you think it's safe to assume that it's not here right now. However, you do see a building. Or multiple, rather. Some dark houses, which feel empty and abandoned, and you and Jared also pass a couple of stores. There's a statue on a plaza in the middle of someone who is, according to Jared, the Grim Reaper, holding a scale and a sun.

"The Grim Reaper here represents death," Jared explains to you with a faint smile. "The sun represents God and the scale the balance between life and death. The scale in itself has been shown to move, but we've never understood what exactly it means. I'm pretty sure that for a long time death had been heavier, until one day it was suddenly life that overpowered. I'm pretty sure that was the same day of the Fire, actually." You hum, looking at the scale as you see how it seems to be in perfect balance. "Inside the Cathedral, there are more statues! I can show you some once we enter, I've always loved looking at those."

So, you follow him to the Cathedral, still trying to watch your back from time to time in case something is actually keeping its eyes on you. However, nothing seems off.

The Rhythm of Your Heart [Yan!DSMP x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя