CHAPTER XXIV: Eight of Cups

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Made by: Avery! 


"Dream, can I ask you something?"

"I'm really scared of what it'll be, but go ahead."

You're still walking through the forest, slowly returning to the town with the moon still at the sky as if no time has passed whatsoever. Jared is at the front and you are still holding Dream in the back, looking at him with mischief in your eyes. "Since you're a werewolf and all, does that make you a furry?" He's looking at you with his mouth open and his eyes wide.

"Excuse me?" When you repeat the question, as if that's what confused him, he shakes his head and lets out a sharp sigh. "No, Fundy is the furry of this town. I don't choose to transform, you know. Usually, I wear this necklace that Puffy made for me to wear which should prevent me from transforming, but I lost it." You raise your eyebrow.

"Do you have a degrading kink?"

"What the fuck, Y/N?"

"Listen mate, I'm not going to go easy on you after you might as well have killed and eaten me."

"I really wish I did."

"Shut the fuck up." You put your hand in front of his face, making very dramatic gestures as you keep repeating these few words, before finally calming down. "As I was saying, you almost killed me, so now I'm going to bully you by call you all kinds of degrading names, unless you have a degrading kink because I want to piss you off, not turn you on." Dream looks at you with a bewildered look in his eyes, obviously not processing your words.

"What the fuck are you going to call me then, huh?" he snarls, barely believing that you'd actually do that, but you're only glad that he asked, since this is a free pass for you to insult your ass off.

"Well, I could start with just bold things like Doggy and Puppy and constantly compare you to one. Do you dislike cats? Oh well, doesn't matter, because I'm going to make so many dog and cat puns now." When Dream remains silent. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

Dream still stays quiet, until letting out another sigh. "I'm disappointed in you."

"Ah, doggy boy is not satisfied? Poor wolf boy is not happy with the way he's being treated now?" you mock him, putting on some very childish voice while speaking to him like that, chuckling darkly when you end it. "That's a preview of it. That's a preview of the way I'm going to treat you the upcoming days." Jared doesn't join in in the relentless Dream bullying, but Dream just bites back. Or at least, bites back as much as he can do, because as much as it's adorable that he tries to insult you or call you degrading names, he fails miserably. "God, for a werewolf you're really submissive."

"What the fuck? You must have a lot of courage to say that to me."

"What will you do, Scoobie Doo? Turn into a werewolf and kill me, only for me to force you to transform back and find you there lying? Honestly, it was really adorable. The whole almost getting killed thing was no fun, but I never expected the whole aftermath to be so cute."

"You found me cute?"

You shrug. "I hoped that would piss you off." When he doesn't respond, you simply sigh. You don't even stop bullying him, but when you've arrived at the town, Dream looks at the ground uncertainly. Although you don't know what is up, Jared does, being very wary of the werewolf who he believes should be transforming back any moment now.

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