CHAPTER XLIII: The Tower Reversed

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"Go, go," Bad tells a customer as he's spraying them with water. "If you're only here to threaten my employees, then you can leave right away!" That's how it's been going the entire night. After you ate some food with Foolish, who seemed to be feeling a bit better, though he immediately got a coughing fit as you were leaving, you had a shift at the convenience store again. Bad, as soon as you entered, got into your personal space, giving you a hug that continued for too long, and pressing a kiss onto your cheek, while Jared was simply standing behind the cashier awkwardly.

And afterwards, Hell broke loose.

Almost every customer to come in, wanted to kill you. Either that, or they started interrogating you, likely because of the last energy outburst, and it was rather exhausting. Thankfully, Bad sent them all out of his store by spraying them with water, no matter the creature, and it all ended up driving them away. Even if they didn't get bothered by the water, his bitch slap definitely didn't motivate them to stay.

You're glad that Bad is willing to put his business on the line, although you can't help but wonder whether his motives are ulterior. After all, the entire shift, he's been talking about how happy he is that Skeppy is as lively as he is around you, and about how your energy gives him more reason to wake up in the morning. The idea of your boss being enchanted by the magic as well, is not one you'd like to have. If anything, you'd much rather act as though that's not possible.

The more days you spend in here, with either people wanting you or people wanting to kill you, the more you wish Wilbur just sucked the blood out of you when he tried to, instead of that weird defence mechanism.

With a groan, you put your head on the desk, watching as the last creatures threatening your life leave the convenience store while Bad keeps on spraying them. Jared approaches you with a faint smile, having watched in complete silence as he only interfered when it seemed to get too bad. His eyes are filled with sympathy, as they have been the entire time. You look up, facing him. He smiles. You smile back. There's a comfort that you can always find in your closest friend; similar to what he experiences, whenever he's with you. It's something you're never willing to give up.

You can see him asking it, despite never saying the words. 'Are you okay?' he asks, by putting his ghostly hand on your shoulder and tilting his head, empathy visible in his expressions. And you nod, only feeling bored and tired of the constant repetition that comes with your publicity in the town. Bad's standing near the entrance, watching the two of you interact without words with an impossible to ignore envy. There won't be anyone to ever surpass the deep relationship you have with your spirit friend, having known him ever since you were a child and never exactly having grown apart. From what he knows from some of the things you've said, there have already been a few people trying to make you believe he's some sort of a traitor, or a liar, or a manipulator.

He's never dared to insinuate such a thing, though. He knows you don't react positively to it. And honestly, he understands. Skeppy tends to be treated like that as well; people simply considering him as a porcelain doll, rather than an actual human being. He understand why they do. Because well, in their eyes he is. But they'll never understand the attachment he has to him. However, despite this, he has to admit that the life lately has been draining out of him, the only moments where Bad can feel somewhat of a soul left in him, being whenever they're in your presence. It hurts, but he's grateful. He truly does love you for that.

Is love the right word for it, though? It's not like he loves you, after all. He more so appreciates you. Right?

And while he's watching in jealousy, feeling the energy rub off on him too, if it hadn't already, you and Jared are simply having some silent fun. There's nothing to stop the two of you at first: neither want to admit to the jealous glares Bad's giving Jared, after all. Only when the doors are thrown open, the two of you are finally forced to look up.

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