CHAPTER V: Four of Swords Reversed

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Made by: Avery!


The next moment that the sun is shining above, you wake up in your bed with Onyx peacefully on you. Jared walked you home this morning, since it was still dark outside and he felt, for some reason, like it was necessary to. This only worsened your suspicion that something is up.

So, having written down all the odd things that are going on that you do not consider normal, you've decided to prepare yourself for any tragedy that might go down. Thanks to your parents' experience with the abnormal and the supernatural, and the knowledge and worry you gained from their occupations, you've already read through your entire notebook on the paranormal, just to ensure that you're safe from anything most might not understand.

One of the things you did to protect yourself from any forces, was putting salt on the ground in front of the door to your balcony. Realistically, you're probably just overreacting, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

In any case, the salt should protect you from ghosts and demons, and you also happen to know that it's harmful to vampires. You don't know whether it also worked against evil witches, but you didn't write it down, so it's at least not very important.

The whole absence of the mineral only encouraged you to put it down, really. If they all do turn out to be monsters, they really can't call you smart about it: they're just not subtle at all.

The second thing you did, was make sure you had some silver in your bedside table. It's known to work against vampires and werewolves and it's never wrong to be sure, right?

Next to that, you've allowed your brain to actually do what it's supposed to do. After all, if there are indeed vampires in this town – emphasis on the 'if', since you still refuse to believe that it is certain – shouldn't they be more noticeable? Traditional vampires, from what you know, burn in sunlight. So, does that mean that they have become immune? Is there some amazing sunscreen you're not aware of they use? Have they made their own? Or maybe, just maybe, there is something in the town protecting them from getting too badly hurt by factors such as sunlight?

These questions were the ones that haunted you the most. Because if the last one was indeed correct, then that could be very bad news for you.

What also scared you, and still is something you can't get out of your mind, is that Jared knows all about it. The scariest thing that could be the case, is that Jared knows about it and doesn't tell you. If this is the case, why? Why has he brought you here? Does he have any ulterior motives you should've been wary of?

It's already noon. These 'irrational' fears have been keeping you up more than your job, so it's now around four p.m. and you're still tired. Onyx doesn't seem to mind your sleep though. The more you're asleep, the more he can be without feeling too lonely. His claws are lovingly damaging the skin on your hand a little, while he has put one of your fingers in his mouth. As much as it hurts, it's too adorable not to love. And his purring is even more addicting.

You carefully get out of bed, trying not to make him grumpy, and walk over to your phone, where you see that you've had a few missed calls. Most are from Jared, who has been spamming you as well, but it's mostly just worry. One, however, comes from your parents.

You let out a deep and shaky breath, calling your parents back in the hope that they'll respond right away. And they do.

"Hey, sweetie!" Mom says with a caring smile. "How are you? You look like you just got out of bed!" You can already hear your other parents in the background. Mother appears too, grinning when she sees you.

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