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We were all warming up when Chris and Kate walked inside the studio and informed us were dancing in a dance competition this weekend.

It will give us a chance to get used to the stage again and dance as a group.

"We're gonna switch it up a bit, and I'm going to change the line positions." Kate said. "You'll perform in front Chris and I and we'll make a decision."

Emily managed to change Kate's mind and she's doing the positions. "The order is Chloe, Isabel, Daniel, Eldon, James, Stephanie, Riley, Michelle and then West."

Emily put the music and Chloe starts dancing. We each danced for a few seconds from the routine we had before.

When I went up I was doing so well, and then I lost focus and I forgot the moves.

I don't know what happened to me.

"I'm gonna run this by kate and chris and see if they agree."

I walked over to Riley. "Back row, whoo." I said sarcastically.

"It's fine don't worry." She said.

"Everyone listen up." Em yelled.

Emily put Riley at the back row. I'm extremely confused but who cares it's just positions.

The three boys were second row, James in the middle, just in front of my face.

And then Emily said I'm at the front. Michelle back row.

I'm good. But I wasn't earlier. This is unfair. Michelle clearly should be at the front.

We run through the dance, but it was so uncomfortable for me. I know the front row, but the steps were horrible.

I'm doing terrible at the front. "What's going on?" Emily asked me. "You need a break?"

"No Em—"

"You're my best friend, come on. Okay, let's take a break everyone!"

I stayed behind in the studio trying to go over the steps.

I walked towards the door when James stopped me. "Iz. Izzy. Can you tell me what Tangent is again?"

"Umm, sinus over cosine." He closed his maths book and smiled at me.

"Hey I got you something."


"It's from the top of a mountain."

"Top of a mountain?" I asked, laughing.

"The top top of a mountain." He took out something from his bag and showed me his water bottle.

"Water bottle?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It's natural spring mountain water."

"Ah, got it." I drank a bit from his water and then handed it back to him.

He's probably the only person in the studio that will tell me his honest opinion and the brutal truth and that's what I need right now.

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