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Right now we're working on the beginning stage of our regionals routine

"That was really really good. For B troupe." Emily said. "Take five. We'll be back."

"Before you take five just wanted to let you guys know that there's a dance camp in studio A tomorrow so you get a day off."


Having a day off is awesome.

"What are you gonna do?" James asked.

"I've never been on the beach." Michelle said.

"Let's go to beach!"

"Actually, E girls are helping out with the camp so we won't be able to join you."

I looked over at Emily. She clearly doesn't want me with them. "Iz, come with us." James said to me.

Eldon, West, Michelle, James and I walked on the beach with our stuff.

I think spending the day on the beach will be good for us.

West put his things on the sand. "I can't wait to start fishing." He said.

"Man, you can't actually fish with that." James said.

"Of course i can. What do you call a poll with a hook?"

"It's plastic." I said.

"A three year old toy." James said.

West went to the water and tried. After a minute he came back with no fish.

"So Isabel. How is the drama going with the E girls? Getting kicked out and everything." James asked me.

"They can be annoying, but they're not that bad."

They all start laughing. "You know they the worst."

"Yeah maybe." I chuckled.

"This is someone being threatened by the E girls." Eldon said and then started running and screaming.

"I'm the E girl monster." James said and run into the water with Eldon.

"Who's up for frisbee?" Michelle asked.

We all stood in a circle and started throwing it between us. "Should we play dance frisbee?" Michelle suggested.


"So, you toss the frisbee you do a dance move and when you catch the frisbee you do a dance move."

"Alright." The boys said.

"Let's do this." Michelle ran to her speaker and played a song.

It was really fun watching them all dancing. Dance on the sand is obviously hard but I enjoyed it.

I touched my wrist to look for my bracelet but I couldn't find it. "Where's my bracelet?" I asked.

"What bracelet?" Michelle asked.

"I had a bracelet on. I lost it." I started looking next to our bags.

"Iz, what bracelet?" James asked me.

"The one my dad brought me when he came back from Miami." I told him.

"Okay. We'll find it."

My dad died when I was 12. Not many people know but I got the bracelet from him a year before he died. I just can't lose it.

"Okay, you two search over there. You two over there. Me and Izzy will stay here."

We couldn't find it. I was losing my mind.

"Ugh, where is it!" I groaned.

"We'll find it, don't worry." West tried to calm me down.

"Guys look over there." James pointed at a man with a metal detector.

We went over and asked him to borrow it but he wanted 100 dollars. "That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed.

A hundred bucks? Come on.

"I have an idea." Michelle said.


"We're gonna do what we do best."

Michelle decided we should dance for money and that's exactly what we did.

We used benches as part of our dance and it was amazing.

{the video above is the dance. Riley is Izzy}

I really enjoyed dancing with them. It felt amazing.

We ended up rising 100 bucks and we gave it to the man. James was the one to use it.

Every time a little bit was heard I was panicking. But we found a nickel, a bottle lid, glasses. Not my bracelet though.

"Right here, try it." James yelled.

Michelle kneeled don and pulled my bracelet out of the sand. "Ah!" I yelled excitedly and hugged her.

I'm so thankful we did that dance. Ah! Yay.

The next day we all made fun of each other for what happened on the beach, I really enjoy being with them.

"I'm glad you guys had such a fun time at the beach." Emily said.

"How was dance camp?" Michelle asked her.

"Amazing. You know it was really nice doing something productive with the studio."

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