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we're all in studio A and we see the carrier and he brought a new internationals letter.

"should we add another eight dancers dance? just in case?" Riley suggested.

"no. not another dance. if the dances we already have are not good we're not gonna make it." Michelle said.

the whole team started talking over each other, bringing ideas. and i really didn't know what to do.

i see ella walking away, and into Kate's office and i really need to see what she's doing. "what are you doing?" i asked her, walking into the office.

"just planning a little prank. you in?"

i looked at my team and then back at Ella. "yeah." i answered.

everyone are getting really nervous, and i hope this will loosen everyone up.

we went downstairs to Hildago's and we decided we're gonna add one more letter to the envelope.

were gonna make the whole studio do an old fashioned dance, square dance, and hopefully it will help ease the tension.

we went back to kate's office and placed the letter back on her desk, and then ran away laughing.

kate called a meeting and she informed everyone that we need to learn a square dance. everyone either looked shocked or very happy.

i looked at ella and had to try really hard not to laugh. their faces are just phenomenal.

"start brainstorming. i wanna see something by the end of the day." kate said and steph looked so unhappy.

james came up to me. "square dance partner?"

"of course." i said happily.

i went up to Cierra and Michelle to see how they're doing. and all i heard was how stressful it is to them. and i get that.

i went up to ella. "we need to come clean."

it's not what i expected it to be. i wanted everyone to have fun. but everyone seem to get even more stressed.

"everyone is stressed about everything. it's not right to make them do another unnecessary dance."

"trust me. it'll be funny. just relax and enjoy it." she said with a smile.

"fine." maybe i just need to trust ella a little bit.

michelle tried to explain steph how to dance it and she just couldn't get it. "steph just breath. have fun. it's supposed to be fun." i told her.

"this is a disaster, izzy." Thalia said to me.

"we need another hour to practice." steph said.

"no i can't stay another hour. i have to go." michelle said.

"okay fine." michelle left at those words. "when is anyone gonna tell her that this is internationals?"

i heard the boys' conversation and they were stressed as well, and didn't get anything, and i really started to freak out.

"james can i talk to you for one second?" i asked him.

"yeah." he said and i dragged him away.

i never meant for this to be stressful. i meant for this to be fun and for everyone to let loose. and it's doing the complete opposite of that.

"i have a secret that i need some advice on." i told him.

"okay." he chuckled.

"so this whole square dancing thing is actually not a part of internationals. ella and i kinda made it up so the team could loosen up but i'm stressing about it now because everyone else is stressing. i just need advice on how to let go and not worry about it."

"back up. you're telling me that this square dancing is not in internationals at all. and that you and ella made it up?" he asked.

"yeah... funny right?" i asked with a laugh.

"yeah that's funny. except for, i could be in band practice." he said seriously. "or we could work on our duet. or our semifinals routine. or our finals routine."

"okay. you're missing the point." i said with a nervous chuckle.

"no. that's exactly the point."

i looked at him confused. "wow. you are overreacting."

"izzy. we do not have time for this. you're our dance captain. what are you doing? stop wasting my time!"

"okay you know what? thanks so much for the help."

i walked away from him and dragged ella away. "this has gone too far. everyone is stressing and it's the complete opposite of what i wanted." i said to her.

"you can't back out now."

"ella! izzy! to my office! now!" kate yelled for us and i got a little bit nervous.

"how's the square dance routine going?" she asked us.

"really good." ella said and i stayed silent.

"really? because i found out that square dancing is not a part of internationals."

"really? then why would they send the letter?" ella said innocently.

"if we confess right now will you go easy on us?" i asked her.

"no." she said quickly and walked closer to us. "we need denim. and leather booths. and buckles."

"what for?"

"i love the idea." she said and i exhaled in relief. "l totally get what you guys are doing. i think it's so much fun and will bring the team together for sure. but! if we're going to do this, we must be full out."

"with cowboy hats." ella said.

"yes. go. get the costumes." we left her office.

"i can't believe we got off that easy." i said to ella.

i can't believe james over reacted the way he did.

at the end of the day we came up with a little something and it actually looked good. if only i could dance it.

i was supposed to be partners with james but he bailed so... it's fine. if he doesn't want to have fun then whatever.

ella and stephanie came up to me. "she's tired." ella said and steph sat down. "so i need a new partner. do you want to be my new partner?"

"okay." i said and took her hand and we danced with the rest of the team.

it was actually kind of fun dancing around. ella was right. at the end, everything came through.

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