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We were all in studio A now rehearsing the routine for regionals. It went perfectly.

"That was amazing!" Me and Emily said.

"You know what? Let's finish early today." Emily said and we all cheered.

"Where do you guys think you're going?" Kate came out asking.

"Home." We all said.

"Yeah, they did really amazing, and the energy was great so we thought maybe—"

"Oh, they did amazing and the energy was great..." Kate said playfully. "Yeah, no, we're not done here."


"Joking!" Chris said. "We kinda just wanted to have a fun night."

"Yeah, we're gonna hung out as friends not just teammates."

We all went home and changed clothes to something more comfortable and then two hours later came back to the studio.

West walked in after everyone in his pajamas. "West, are those your pajamas?" Emily asked him.

"Yes, they are my pajamas, and Kate said to get comfortable, so..."

"Not that comfortable." Emily laughed.

"Please girl, I got this." We all laughed at his comment.

"Okay guys, let's play machine." Kate said.

Machine is an improve game.

"We're making kuala pajama pants making machine."

Michelle started it and from there it was all just hilarious. It was so funny. Each of us made a different move with a different voice to fit Kate's description.

"Now that we're all warmed up, eat up, have some fun enjoy your night."

"Guys, I think we should play truth or dare." Steph said. "Let's start with West. Truth or dare?"


"Oh I have something. What's your biggest secret?" Riley asked him.

"Well I once witnessed a bank robbing before. Yeah, I actually followed him and I know where he buried the money. But this was a couple years ago so I don't know if the money is still there." He answered and we all got so confused. "Okay, my turn. Stephanie. Truth or dare?"


"I double dog dare you to go into the juice bar and use Emily's hands to order some drinks for everybody. Let's go!"

We went downstairs and Emily decided Steph should put on some lipstick and it was hilarious. Her whole face was covered with red lipstick.

When we went back to the studio Kate was standing next to a tv. "Movie time!" She said. "Okay, this is what I've got, action adventure, horror, I have rom com."

"Romcom!" All the girls cheered.

"We're gonna have a competition. Whoever shows me the best dance moves get to chose a movie." Kate said.

"West first." West started dancing like Michael Jackson and he was hilarious.

Giselle went after him. Her Flexibility is insane.

James went after and he turned around on one hand, jumping on and off. He was amazing. 

"I have to give that to James." Kate said. "Okay, what do you wanna watch?"

"Um... definitely not romantic comedy." He looked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

He knows how much I love rom coms. Last week he made me watch this movie about an alien and space and some crazy stuff.

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