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i'm at the studio right now, watching Amanda performing her solo.

i don't like that Amanda is our solo performer, because who knows what she's gonna do by then, but she's dancing really well and Miss Kate loves her. so...

all of the team supports her and i hate that she gets it and Emily doesn't. we need to bring her down, and fast.

"all right. now that i have you all here, i need someone to get trained in first aid for nationals." Kate said after Amanda finished the dance.

"oh, James will do it." i said for him.

"um, no i won't." he said.

"why not?"

"that's not on the list."

"okay, how about i trade it for number seven?"

"so i don't have to learn juggling, or get my passport anymore or anything?"


"i am down to switch. okay, on one condition thought. if you do it with me." the team cheered on James's words and i felt my stomach being filled with butterflies.

"okay, okay, fine, i'll do it." i said, hiding my nerves.

"okay, great." Kate said.

doing first aid training kind of making me nervous, because of my past with hospitals, but the fact that it is with James is making me feel better.

that afternoon, i went with James to the first aid class and he kept talking. "you know you also benefit from it that you get to save lives, but what's more important is that we get to save our relationship." James said to me.

this is the last thing on James' list and i'm kinda nervous for that.

James turned to his other side and started talking to an old lady. "nice to meet you, i'm James."

"i'm the bingo lady." she said. "that's what they call me down at the hall."

"okay, so you play bingo all the time?"

"bingo!" she said loudly.

the instructor walked in. "if our patient is experiencing heart pain, what do we do?" he went straight into it and everyone stayed silent. "congratulations, we just lost our first patient."

this instructor is making me kinda nervous.

"i thought this is gonna be fun." James whispered to me.

"excuse me. share that with the class please." the instructor said to James. "stand up."

James stood up and looked at everyone. "uh, i thought this was gonna be fun." he said nervously.

"you thought this is gonna be fun. who else thinks that this might be fun? anyone? i'll show you what's fun. scrap booking Tuesdays, that's fun." he said aggressively.

he went through some basic stuff, like how to compress breath in the body.

"okay, i'm gonna get you pair up. stand up." "you two." he said to James and Dorothy, the bingo lady.

"wait. us two?" James asked.

"yeah. why? you have a problem with that? because if you do, you can leave. do you have a problem with him?" he asked dorothy.

"no. i kinda like that idea."

i almost died from laughter at that comment.

"alright you two are paired up for the day." he said to me and a young boy who stood next to me. he was so hot.

"ooh, i like that idea also." i said teasing James.

not only James get paired up with the old bingo lady. but i get paired with a hot guy and get to make James jealous.

dorothy layed down on the desk first and the instructor quizzed James. "Dorothy is unresponsive, not breathing, no signs of life. What's the first thing you do?"

" compressions." James said.

"that's right." James tilted her head back. "nice clear airways. and next?"


"breath. the kiss of life." i almost chocked from laughter at this point.

"are you serious right now?" James looked like he was gonna puke any second.

"what are you waiting for? what's next?"

"Izzy?" James turned to me.

"do you want this relationship?" i asked him, still teasing.

poor James. this is probably the hardest thing on the list. but that doesn't make it any less entertaining.

James bend down, slowly until she grabbed his head and pulled him down to kiss her.

"bingo!" i said laughing my ass off.

"hey! you." i was focusing on compressing a puppet when the instructor called me. "switch with her." he said referring to Dorothy.

i looked at James suspiciously but happily took my place in front of him. my phone started ringing and i pulled it out.

it was an SOS next on the group chat with Emily and Riley. this is bad.

"i need to go." i said.


"Emily needs me."

"she has her sister. she always needs you."

"yeah, but this is an emergency."



"sir? she doesn't like scarp booking tuesdays." James said to the instructor.

"you don't like scarp booking?" he asked me.


"get out." he said to me.

"thank you." i whispered to James and ran out of the class.

when i rushed in the building i saw Emily outside studio A. "i'm suspended. and i might get kicked out of The Next Step." Emily said.

"what? why did this happen?"

"my plan backfired. Amanda was on to us all along. we did all of this for nothing."

after all of Emily's hard work , and everything that she has to go though, i'm afraid this is going to change everything.

"no, em. i'll talk to miss Kate. it's gonna be okay."

"no one's gonna believe and they're not gonna want to believe you. you have to make sure you stay the captain. it's over. it's done."

"no. you can't give up. i'll talk to Chloe, get an insight. it's gonna be fine. give me a hug." i pulled her into me to hug her.

to be totally fair, i don't know how i'm gonna save her now.

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