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now we're all on the stage, the curtain is closed, with the team of LOD waiting to hear if Amanda can compete with us.

"okay, we have a decision, the judge's ruling is final." Sandra said to us. "next year, we'll tighten up the loophole, but as of this year, Amanda can dance with The Next Step."

"yes!" i said happily, smiling to James.

"okay, let's flip a coin, see who goes first." Lexi said, the captain of LOD.

"okay, we'll do that." Sandra agreed. she flipped the coin and looked at lexi. "call it."


she looked on the coin. "heads it is."

"we choose first." she said looking at me.

"cool." i said with a little bit attitude to match to her. "bye." i turned around and we all walked away to dress up and prepare Amanda for the dance.

i'm now at the back studio with my phone, calling Alex but he hasn't answered since two days ago and i'm starting to get worried.

"what's up?" i heard James behind me. i looked at him, still pacing around with my phone. "izzy?"

"it's just... Alex was supposed to go out of the hospital yesterday, and he called me last night, but i didn't answer. and i've been trying to call him since this morning and he's not answering." i said, quickly, stressfully.

"Iz, i'm sure he's fine."

"but why is he not answering? and my mom is not answering either—"

"izzy. i'll make some calls, okay? you need to focus on the dance and get dressed and talk to Emily, and talk to Amanda. you need to stop worrying. not everything is your responsibility."

i sighed. "okay. but if your mom says anything, you have to find me."


i kissed him quickly and turned to the dressing room.

James: sometimes izzy takes too much on herself, and when she starts worrying, she lose focus on everything else and that can't happen to her right now. not when she has to be our dance captain.

it's been two hours. we're all now ready, well, as ready as we can be, and we're at the curtains of the stage, preparing ourselves to watch LOD's dance.

alex and my mom are still not answering and i'm really starting to worry.

"James." i walked up to him and he looked at me. "have you heard anything?"

"no. my mom hasn't spoke to your mom today so she doesn't know anything. sorry."

"it's fine. i just need to focus on the dance right now. thanks anyway."

he wrapped his hand around my shoulders and pulled me closer to a hug.

James: the truth is, i have heard something. i'm just not sure how to even say it.

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