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right now me and James are at Hildago's talking about what his options are.

now that Giselle left, unexpectedly, he can rejoin the team. and i want him to come back.

"izzy, there's so much going on with the band right now."

"what, like a gig?" i asked him.

he chuckled. "A, touché and B, you don't have to be so mean about it."

i sighed. "look i understand that, but this is Internationals we're talking about."

"i've got band practice. i gotta go. we'll talk about this later."

"what? James..." he kissed me quickly and ran off.

i kind of thought that James would want to rejoin the Internationals team. i thought he would want to spend more time with me.

i went back to the studio and apparently West and Chloe went to a Ballet audition, i'm not sure why though.

"anyone heard from West or Chloe?" Michelle asked.

"i haven't heard anything." Eldon said.

"well, if we haven't heard from them, it probably means that West made it to past the first round." Tahlia said.

"really? wow. i might have to go out and get me a flying pig." Eldon said and i chuckled.

i sometimes seriously don't understand what's going on in his head.

"you wanna go to Hildago's?" Riley asked and everyone agreed.

i turned to the door but i saw that Max is staying behind to stretch.

i'm starting to realize that Max and Cierra must feel horrible about this situation. and as a dance captain i want to change it.

"hey Max." i approach him. "why aren't you coming with us?"

"i'm good."

"you sure?" i asked again.

"what do you want?" he asked me.

"i just want to make sure you're okay. i mean, we don't leave you out on purpose—"

"yes, you do."

hearing that this is what Max thinks, hurts me. because he's wrong. or at least i think he's wrong.

"i'm sorry you feel that way. but now that we want you to come with us, you're refusing, so this one's on you." i said sharply and walked away.

"izzy!" i heard someone calling me from behind and then i saw James and he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"wait James, we need to talk."

"no. i already know what i'm doing. come with me."

he pulled me all the way to Hildago's, telling me he's plan, and then we walked in on the team's meeting about Internationals.

"what's up?" James asked them.

"oh, we're just having a meeting for Internationals." Eldon said.

"oh for Internationals. yeah, that explains all the mopey faces." he chuckled. "i don't need this." he turned away.

"yeah you do." i said, turning him back around.

"oh, yeah, that's right. i'm on the Internationals team." he said so casually that everyone were in shock.

"are you serious?" Eldon asked.

"yeah for real." everyone laughed and cheered and i my smile was so big.

i'm just so happy that we can both be a part of this team together, finally. i'm really happy that i have my best friend back with me.

James bought everyone juices and we finally hung out as a team again.

we went back up to the studio and kate approached us. "okay, guys, now that we have a full team, i think it's time we chose a dance captain."

everyone nodded and i bite my lip nervously. i don't know what everyone thinks.

i would love to be dance captain again, but not if they don't want me to.

"well, i think izzy was proven to be worthy." West said and i smiled at him.

hearing West say that really makes me happy.

"yeah. we all think so." Tahlia agreed with him.

"Cierra? Max?" Riley asked him.

i saw them looking at each other and then Max looked at me.

"if you guys trust her..." Cierra said. "we trust her too."

i smiled widely. "okay, i guess we have a dance captain!" kate said and they cheered.

i've never been happier. this is the first time i was picked. i'm so proud of myself.

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