Chapter 1

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I look up at the sky as I exit the school gates. It’s all grey and gloomy, looks like it could rain any minute. A perfect ending to the first week of senior year.

My classmates run for the bus as the first drops begin to fall. I pull up my hood and start walking. I don’t like being rained on but I don’t like spending more time than absolutely necessary with my classmates and I like home even less so walking it is.

By the time I make it home I am drenched to the bone but I can’t bring myself to care too much. Opening the door I am met with an unfamiliar sight. Beth sitting at the coffee table with a cup of coffee. Usually she would either be in her room sleeping off another hangover or sitting in front of the TV drinking herself into oblivion.

I am so shocked to see her upright and drinking coffee I almost don’t notice the other woman sat across from her. She looks very well put together and her bag and shoes look too expensive for her to be a social worker.

“Juliana, you are finally home. What happened to you?” Beth says taking in my appearance. “You might catch a cold, go and get changed. Don’t take too long.”

I am too surprised to say anything so I go my room and do as she says. Since when does Beth call me Juliana? Even at school only some of the teachers call me that, everyone else just calls me Jules. Also since when does she care whether I catch a cold or not? “Live and let live” is usually her style of parenting, if you can even call it that, so as long as we stay out of her way and don’t cause any trouble she is happy to continue “fostering” us.

“I heard that lady is here about you. What trouble did you get yourself into?” Christie, one of my four roommates, asks. Christie is very nosy so I am surprised she didn’t already eavesdrop on their conversation and find out everything.

“You know I don’t cause any trouble, besides I haven’t spoken to her yet. Beth told me to get changed first. What’s up with her?” I reply.

“I know right? When Frieda and I got home she asked us if we had eaten and told us to make sure we do our homework.” Christie says laughing.

“The lady must be very important if she has Beth drinking coffee and pretending to care about us” she adds.

“Must be” I say distractedly. I wonder who she is and what she wants with me.

After I get changed and dry my hair, I walk back to the living room. As soon as I enter the room Beth motions to the only other chair, “Sit.”

“Hi, Juliana. I am Amelie Jung from the Wings Initiative,” the other lady says.


“Every year we choose two students to sponsor and this year you are one of those students. If you choose to accept you will be attending Fontaine Academy. Our sponsorship means we will be paying for your tuition and boarding. You will also get a monthly stipend.” Ms. Jung says.

The Fontaine Academy? Are you sure you have the right person?” I ask.

“You are Juliana Ortiz, a senior at McGregor High School, right?” she asks.

I nod.

“Then you are the right person. We at Wings were very impressed with your academic performance and general work ethic. You have managed to place 1st in your grade all through high school, never getting below an A- in any of your classes. Even though you have no extracurricular activities to speak of we think you have a lot of potential. Potential that can be better nurtured at Fontaine Academy.”

“But I didn’t even apply”

“The Wings Initiative doesn’t do applications. We have scouts that inform us of students with potential like yourself. We monitor them for a time and if they prove promising we contact them and offer sponsorship to one of the academies that we are partnered with.”

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