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All over Fontaine students watch the same news report about the two missing students from their school.

“Earlier today the police made an announcement about the case of the two missing girls from Fontaine Academy. What started out as a simple missing person’s case has turned into something no one expected; human trafficking.”

“The police expressed their gratitude to the survivor who provided them with the concrete evidence they needed to make the arrests. They also announced that they will be investigating everyone involved starting with the organization that started it all the Order of Artemis.”

“From our investigations we found out that the order was established over a hundred years ago as a hunting club at Fontaine Academy. The order is really exclusive but over time it has seen hundreds of members, all members of prominent families from around the world.”

“Further investigations show that though it is a hunting club on its front, their activities evolved over time.”

“Over the years the extracurricular club got into various businesses and philanthropies. One of their finance lending institutions somehow evolved into a side business for human trafficking. Our investigators uncovered that one of the favorite pastimes of the order involved debtors that couldn’t pay back their debts or people that pissed them off in one way or another.”

“These people would be let loose in the woods and if they survived the night their debts would be forgiven. They are sworn into silence and let go but for those that pissed someone off, they would be trafficked. This meant being sold to some of the wealthiest people all over the world if you are lucky it sold to a brothel if you are not.”

“What you are seeing on your screen right now are some of the names of the members of the order we were able to get. This is only a small portion, the names of the order members in our country. Included in this list are the three kidnappers seen in the video that went viral a couple of weeks ago; Cullen Ryland, Nathan Saunders and Darren Yates.”

“Other members include; James Bradford, Fernando Herrera, Damien Fontaine, Samuel Ramirez…”




If you have made it this far; thank you so much for reading 'Fontaine Academy'.

It has been a long journey and I had thought of giving up on this story multiple times. But seeing that at least one person was reading gave me the strength to keep writing.

Thank you very much for reading, voting, commenting and adding this story to your reading lists. Your support means the world to me. 💌

This is the end of Fontaine but I might do a part 2 one day.

But for now I will be focusing on 'ANIMA' which centers around secrets, revenge and the difference between good and evil. Check it out on my profile.

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