Chapter 28

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“Oh my god, you will not believe what I just heard.” Someone says, doing a poor job of whispering.

Do they have to this here? I am sure there are better suited places to have a chat than the library.

“What did you here Charlotte?”  The friend asks.

“You know how everyone has been talking about Andrea having a boyfriend? Turns out Maisie did too, a secret one. And you will never guess who.” Charlotte says.

“Wow really? What can be more shocking than finding out Andrea was dating the king of Fontaine or at least pretending to? Unless he was seeing both of them?” the friend says sounding shocked.

“Ethan Jung.”

That gets my attention.

“What how?”

“Apparently Maisie never said who her boyfriend is but she did let it slip that the reason the relationship was a secret is because she didn’t want to piss off Sofia. We all know there is only one guy Sofia is still hung up on and would destroy anyone who so much as breathes in his direction.”

“Ethan Jung, that makes so much sense.”

Ethan was seeing Maisie in secret because they were afraid of Sofia? Why didn’t he mention it before when he told me about how she retaliated against Ken?

I knock on the door and a moment later Ethan opens the door.

“Jules, hey.” He says with a smile.His smile dims a bit when I continue to stare at him.

“Is everything okay?” he asks.

“Umm…I need to ask you something.”

“Okay sure, come in.” he says motioning me into his room.

His room is a bit different from ours. For one it’s a single so there is only one bed in here. The bed seats on a raised platform and it is covered in blue sheets and a green comforter rolled up at the foot of the bed. There is a sitting area with comfortable looking couch and a loveseat. A bookshelf filled with books stands against one of the walls. There is also a bay window that looks out over the leafy forest.

Ethan leads me to the couch.

“So what’s up?” he asks.

“Did you and Maisie date?”

“Maisie Andrews?” he asks.

I nod.

“No, why?”

“I heard some people talking and apparently Maisie had a secret boyfriend. The reason they kept their relationship secret is because they didn’t want to piss Sofia off. Everyone knows how hung up on you Sofia is so…”

“Wow, no wonder have been getting a few weird looks at dinner.” he chuckles.

“Wait, you don’t believe what their saying, right?” he asks.

“I don’t know what to believe. It is true Sofia is a bit unhinged, hence why we started this. Maybe you wanted to shield Maisie from what happened to Ken?”

“I need you to believe me when I say; I have never dated Maisie. Everything that I went through with Sofia put me off dating for a while. More importantly I would never keep someone I care about a secret especially not to spare Sofia’s feelings.” He says.

“I have been trying to get Sofia off my back so if I was really dating Maisie I would have flaunted our relationship. I would have taken that chance if it meant she would finally leave me alone.” Ethan states.

“So if you are not Maisie’s secret boyfriend, who is?” I ask.

“I don’t know and I don’t really care. What matters is; do you believe?” he asks.

I am not some professional lie detector or anything but I don’t think he is lying. He hasn’t given me any reason to doubt him so far either so…

“I believe you.” I say and the brightest smile breaks out across his face.

“And you shouldn’t be dismissive of the rumors either. What if the secret boyfriend is implicated in her disappearance? That won’t be good for you.” I add.

“Oh, you are right. I guess I will just have to figure out who he is to clear my name. The best way to start is watching some detective shows. Care to join me?” he says opening up his laptop.

“You are ridiculous but sure, I’ll help.” I laugh.

We spent the rest of the evening binge-watching detective shows and movies that focus on missing persons. Its ends up being more fun than I thought it would. Or maybe it’s just because Ethan makes everything seem fun.



Any guesses on who Maisie's secret boyfriend is?

Also do you think he's involved in her disappearance?

- Oli 💌

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