Chapter 49

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As I drive home I think about my father’s call. He called during lunch which he rarely does because he doesn’t want to “disturb my learning”. This call was short, he told me to come home and hung up.

Even though missing half a day wouldn’t do anything to my grades, I decided to wait until the last class for the day to leave. Today’s last class is self-study.

As I drive up the driveway I notice both my parents cars are here today unlike the last time I was here.

As soon as I enter the living room, my dad begins.

“How could you embarrass the Fontaine name like that?”

“What are you talking about?” I ask.

I know it is probably something that happened at school. But I still ask because I want to be sure of what exactly I am being accused of so that I can defend myself properly.

“You announced to the whole goddamn school that you are seeing that Ramirez boy! I had to hear that from that smug bastard James Bradford of all people.” he roars.

“Technically I didn’t announce it. I only answered a question.” I shrug.

Next thing I know my head whips to the right and pain explodes on my left as dad’s fist makes contact with my face.

Did he just punch me? Why am I shocked, he shot me not that long ago.

“Damien!” mom yells as she gets in between us.

“Let me look at your face sweetheart.” She says to me checking over. Once she is satisfied she turns on my dad.

“How dare you lay a hand on him? Is this how you always treat him when I am not around?” she yells.

“He announced to the whole world that he is dating a boy!” he roars.

“So?” mom asks.

“What do you mean “so”? He is a Fontaine, he has responsibilities and a reputation to uphold. He has a bright future, one that doesn’t include him dating the Ramirez boy.” He says.

“Would you stop calling him the Ramirez boy, his name is Tiago. We have known him since they were in first grade. I think he is a perfect choice for-”

“It’s your fault he is like this. You baby him too much.” Dad cuts in.

“If by like this you mean someone with a backbone then thank you for the compliment.” Mom challenges.

“I mean undisciplined, whiny and with no sense of duty! I can’t hunt, I can’t beat a handout recipient, and I can’t keep my mouth shut. I told you to stick to my version of events!” he yells.

“I thought you only meant when talking to the cops.” I say.

Which is obviously a lie I understood he meant that for everyone. I just don’t feel like protecting someone who has no problem hurting me.

“And what version of events is that?” mom asks.

I guess he never told her what happened in the woods. the look on his face says he expects me to continue lying for him.

I tell the truth instead.

Mom slaps him.

“It was an accident.” He says cradling his cheek.

“We all know you are an excellent shot. But even if it really were an accident how could you aim at our son with a loaded gun?!”She screams.

Half an hour later we are all packed and she leads the way as we drive out of Fontaine Manor. She heads to Blueming and I head back to school.

The moment I enter the dorm Tiago spots me.

“What happened to your face?”

“Damien happened.”

He gets some ice for my face and leads me to my room to hear the full story.

“Bastard.” He says when I am done recounting what happened.

“That’s one word for him.” I say dejectedly.

“By the way Rivers was looking for you earlier.” He says.

“What about?”

“He didn’t say but I think he heard about what really happened in the woods. He said to come by the station.”

“Will you come with me?” I ask.


“Oh you mean right now.” He says when I stand to leave.

With Tiago driving the drive doesn’t take that long and before I know it we are pulling up to the police station.

We are led to detective Rivers office and he allows Tiago to stay. It turns out he  isn’t curious about what happened in the woods.

He is curious about the Order of Artemis. Tiago and I tell him everything we know. I also add the truth about what happened at the last hunt and everyone who was present.



Thanks for reading!

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I can't believe we have made it this far. The next upload will be the last of this story.

I can't wait for you to read the final chapter (for now?) and share my next story!
- Oli 💌

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