Chapter 25

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After running into Patrick on my first day and the trouble that followed, I was reluctant to return to the pool. I was worried I would run into him again and things would get worse.

After a while though I started missing the water so I just made sure to go there when I knew he wouldn’t be there.

Today I wake up midmorning and decide to go for a swim. After last night’s drinking game he is probably still sleeping off the hangover.

There is no one else around on a Sunday morning so I take full advantage. I spend hours doing laps until I feel the exhaustion setting in, only then do I finally head back to the dorms.

Its midday yet the common areas are deserted. I wonder if everyone is off campus or still sleeping.

“I heard you are dating Ethan.” Sofia says startling me out of my thoughts.

“So?” I say wondering where she is going with this.

“Well I am going to need you to stop. I guess being an orphan and all you don’t know any better but it is bad manners to date someone who already belongs to someone else.” She says fake grin plastered on her face.

“Last time I checked Ethan is unattached…well except to me now of course.” I say sweetly.

“He belongs to me! We are just taking a break.”

“You barely went out for 4 months and have been broken up for almost a year now. Sorry to break it to you but I don’t think it’s just a break.” I shrug.

“No one cares what you think! He is mine and the sooner you accept that and leave him alone the better.” She yells.

“Pretty sure you are the only one that thinks that. Now if you will excuse me.” I say sidestepping her.

“I will regret not taking my advice Julianna.”

“It’s Jules and I am not afraid of you.”

“Well you should be.” She says under her breathe.

Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut?

But a little hair dye is nothing to be afraid of. Turns out I angered Sofia more than Ken ever did. So no hair dye prank for me. Instead her minions have been making my week hell. I have lost count of the number of times I have been tripped. People have been bumping into me at the most inconvenient times causing me to either drop books or food.

I don’t have any of my friends with me in  P.E class so I am always last to be picked because everyone knows being on my team means being ganged up on by the other team on Sofia’s orders. She is not even in that class but they follow her orders anyways.And of course they always make sure to do it when Ethan is not around.

“When are you going to tell Ethan about this?” Amandla asks as I apply a band aid to my leg.

“Hopefully never.”

“The whole point of your relationship was to protect you from this but instead you have become an even bigger target.”

“We always knew it would make me a bigger target for Sofia.”

“But it’s not just Sofia though. It is also her friends and anyone else who is more than happy to do her bidding. Things can’t go on like this Jules, you need to tell Ethan.”


“Why not?”

“He is just playing a part Amandla, he is not responsible for me. I can take care of myself, I have been doing it for as long as I can remember.”

Amandla sighs.

“I have always fought my own battles, that doesn’t change just because I have a fake boyfriend now.” I add.

“But I’m not playing a part. I am your real friend and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I know and I am really grateful for that. I promise I won’t let it get out of hand. The smallest sign of that and I will tell Ethan everything myself okay?”

“Okay.” She says and pulls me into a hug.



Do you think Jules should tell Ethan what's been going on under his nose?

What are your thoughts on Sofia?

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- Oli 💌

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