Chapter 17

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Everyone is being weird. Since the math results came out, people have been looking at me differently. I thought I had gotten used to the stares by now, the kind of stares that say “what is she doing here”. These new stares are different though, like they are seeing me for the first time.

Mara says it’s because Patrick is always top of the class in every subject in our grade. The fact that I did better than him this time has people reevaluating what they think of me. I am happy that people aren’t looking at me with glares and some have even started trying to befriend me but it’s all so weird.

They let themselves be influenced by things like money, popularity and now grades and yet they expect me play along. To pretend that a little over a week ago they weren’t part of the mob hating on me just because Patrick decided I was worthy of their hate.

Even weirder are the teachers' reactions. I have barely exchanged any words with most of them but all of a sudden they are very interested in me. Just like the students they are divided into two groups; those that are excited that I am going to unseat Patrick from his “throne” and those that are squarely in his corner. I knew Fontaine takes academics very seriously but I didn’t realize just how invested everyone is, until now.

The kitchen staff doesn’t treat me any differently though. Today is the last day for my punishment and I am still doing it alone. Not once during the two weeks did they ever help me clean. I was only supposed to be helping them with their cleaning up duties but they turned it into me taking over those responsibilities alone.

Jenna and her friends always make sure to be nearby at least at the beginning to provide commentary while I work. Sofia commenting that I should get used to cleaning up after others because that’s how the rest of my life will look like.

Seeing her with her friends made me realize just how good of an act she put on the day she invited me to the party. She could definitely have a bright career in acting, such wasted potential. I told her as much and she got angry. Apparently being an actor is too “pedestrian” for her.

Finally done, I move the cleaning supplies to the storage room. Just as I shelf the detergent I hear the door close behind me. Then I hear lock click into place.

I run to the door and try opening it, hoping I misheard it locking. The door doesn’t budge.

“Hello, anyone there?”

My question is met with silence.

“Can anyone here me?”

Still nothing.

It couldn’t have been the wind. Someone definitely locked me in here. But why? I thought they had grown bored with me by now.

My phone! Thank god I have it on me.

I take it out and fire Amandla a text saying I am stuck in the storage room. The text doesn’t send. That’s when I notice there is no service in here.

I move from one end of the room to another trying to find a spot with service but I get nothing. The room is about half the size of our room but because of everything taking up space it feels smaller.

Surely someone will notice my absence right? Amandla will definitely notice and look for me.

But what if she is just like Sofia but just a better actress? What if she's been putting on an act this whole time too?

No. Amandla is not like that. Besides we have that quiz thing that we are supposed to do together later.

Oh my god the history quiz! We are supposed to do a timed online quiz by midnight tonight. I can’t be here right now. I check my phone, it is 10:30 pm already!

Don’t panic, you still have an hour and 30 minutes. The quiz is only supposed to be 45 minutes long. You will be out of here in no time. Surely someone will notice the lights are still on.

Despite the pep talk, it doesn’t help to stop the rising panic. Having an incomplete for one of my assessments won’t help me in my plans to get another scholarship for college by maintaining a perfect academic record.

I go back to the door and start pounding on it. The light goes off. The only light now comes from beneath the door. Moments later that too disappears plunging me into darkness. I turn on the flashlight on my phone for light.

So whoever locked me in was here the whole time just listening?

I start banging on the door again.

“Come back! Let me out, I won’t say anything I swear. Please just let me out!”

I don’t know how long I have been banging on the door and screaming. My fists hurt and my voice is hoarse.

I check the time on my phone, it is 11:40 pm.

Even if I were to get out right now, I wouldn’t be able to finish a 45 minute quiz in 20 minutes. I wouldn’t even have that much if I factor in the time it would take me to get to my dorm.

Devastated I sit on the cold floor, back leaning against the door.

I check my phone again sometime later and it is 30 minutes after midnight. My phone battery gives out just then plunging me back into darkness.

Safe in the knowledge that no one can see me right now, I let the tears finally fall.



Poor Jules 😢 What do you think will happen to her next?

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote if you like this chapter!
-Oli 💌

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