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It all started in third grade. Ella was lurking around the woods, when she bumped into someone. That someone's name was Peter, Peter Hale. He asked her what she was doing there. She actually had no clue, it was just a sense, she thought. Some days later, he spotted her in the woods again, next to a giant beautiful tree, the Nemeton.

They later on became best friends. He did happen to be a player, but she didn't care. He's the best friend she has and she's not going to ditch him for that one thing. It is a little bit annoying though, since she developped this little crush on him, but it'll fade away, or will it?

Peter and Ella are now both 18, feels old right?

Ella is at the Hale house, helping Peter and Laura with babysitting Derek and Cora, since Talia has to meet up with the other packs. Derek is actually old enough and doesn't need a babysitter, but Talia doesn't trust him, since he hasn't learned how to control himself yet.

Yes, Ella knows the Hale family secret. She wasn't meant to find out, but after seeing Peter fully wolfed out on a full moon, she knew this wasn't a normal family.

Talia wanted to take away Ella's memories, but Peter didn't want her to since he was relieved that he didn't have to lie anymore. At least, that's what they told her.

Talia made Ella promise not to tell anyone and if she did, she was allowed to kill her. Now, you might think Talia is a psychopath, but she really isn't. She's one of the sweetest people Ella has met. She just doesn't want to bring her family in any danger.

Speaking of family, Ella's mother died of cancer. Peter was by Ella's side the whole time her mother was in the hospital. Talia offered to give her the bite, but she didn't want to live her life running trough the woods. After two months her body gave up and she died.

Ella's dad wasn't the same after her mother died. He started drinking and abusing Ella. This is why Ella is with the Hales so much. She tries to avoid her dad as much as possible.

Peter doesn't know about it. It's not because Ella doesn't trust him, because she really does. He's even one of the only people. She just doesn't want him to wolf out and hurt her father. After all, it's still her dad, even if he's an abuser.

"Ella, can you help me please?!" Peter shouts from upstairs. As she enters Cora's room, the little girl's  eyes are filled with tears and a comb is stuck in her hair. Behind her sits Peter with a frustrated look.

"What did you do to her?" Ella asks and she can't help but laugh a little at the situation. "She asked me to comb her hair, but I'm a guy. I don't know the slightest bit about knots."

"Yeah, no kidding." Cora whines. Peter rolls his eyes as Ella laughs. She walks over to the bed Cora is sitting on and takes place next to Peter. She moves the hairs around the comb a little and gets it out with ease.

Peter is flustered at how easy it was for Ella and then cracks up a smile. She starts combing Cora's hair and after a few minutes it lays perfectly on her shoulders.

"It's all done sweety." Cora gets up and gives Ella a hug. "Thank you, Ella. You're a life savor," the little girl answers with a smile before hugging the other brunette. This small interaction makes Peter's heart warm. He always had a soft spot for Ella, but seeing this makes it even worse.

Cora pulls back from the hug and runs downstairs. Peter turns to Ella. "How did you do that so easily?" "My mom tought me." Peter's face saddened by the mentioning of Ella's mom. "Do you miss her?"

"I will always miss her, but it's not as bad as it was." "You can always talk to me about it, I'm right here you know." Ella doesn't say anything. She just pulls Peter in a hug, which he gladly returns.

Moral of the story// Peter HaleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt