Sign of vendetta

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There's only one person Ella still has to visit since she's back, Deaton. Right now, she's in front of the animal clinic. She walks trough the door and sees the veterinarian already standing in the waiting room.

"I can't believe my eyes! Ella?!" he exclaims. "Yes, it's me. Long time no see boss," the woman states with a smile. "I can't believe you actually woke up. How did it happen?" he asks, already knowing the answer. Ella doesn't know what to say. She can't just tell him. He would lose his mind.

"I don't even know it myself. The doctors told me it's a miracle," she lies. Deaton looks at Ella with a non-believing face, but lets it slide. "You're actually right on time, Ella. We could use as much help as possible, right now," Deaton states, guiding the brunette to the treatment room.

"Why? What's going on?" she asks, following him. "More and more people are getting killed by a wild animal. Everyone here thinks it's a mountain lion. Me? I'm not so sure about that," he explains.

"Then what is it?" "Something much more dangerous than a mountain lion," Ella gets irritated by his mysterious behavior. "Deaton, what is it?" she asks. "I'm not sure yet. That's why I need you to help me," he explains. Part of Ella is suspicious of him as she doesn't  understand why he especially needs her for this, but another part just wants her salary. "Does this mean I get my job back?" Ella asks with joy. "Yes, welcome back doctor Jones," he smiles.

He takes a file out of his bag and lays it on the operation table. He then slides a picture of a deer out of it. "Do you see this?" he asks while pointing at a spiral drawn on the deer. Ella knows what it means. It's the sign of vendetta, used by werewolves to declare war. She can't tell Deaton though.

"Yes, what is it?" Ella asks, trying to sound convincing. "It's something I still have to figure out myself, but I think it's very clear that this wasn't done by a normal wild animal," he explains. "Then I guess we should find out who this brutal animal killer is," Ella tells him.

if Ella helps Deaton find the killer, she can try to cover up the werewolf stuff, while he actually helps her with finding the alpha who's also probably the murderer they are looking for.

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When Ella comes home from work, she sees a furious Scott taking his bike and trying to leave. "Scott, wait up! What's wrong?" she asks. "Derek took Allison with him yesterday. I don't trust him, Ella. He killed someone," he explains, being a little out of breath. Ella sighs. "He brought Allison home, because you left, Scott. Maybe you should thank him. What if the alpha got to her? And what do you mean with he killed someone?" Ella asks confused. "Oh yeah, your buddy didn't tell you yesterday. Not everyone was killed by the fire. Derek's sister was killed some days ago. She was cut in half," Scott responds, still very angry.

 Ella was in a state of shock. She was certain that Derek didn't kill her, but if she was cut in half, it must have been hunters. It's the most famous method of the argent family.  "Derek wouldn't do that. If she is cut in half than it must have been hunters" Ella finally responds. 

"But, Derek is the alpha, that means that he killed her." he states with a confused look. "I'm pretty sure he isn't. Look at his eyes. If they are red, then you're right, but if they aren't, you should stop blaming him for things he didn't do," she explains. Scott nods, but Ella can tell that he doesn't really believe her. He jumps on his bike and takes off to the woods. Ella waits for a minute and then decides to run after him.

When she arrives near the Hale house, she hides behind a tree and listens to the conversation. "You don't get it yet, Scott, but Ella and I are looking out for you. Think about what could happen. You're on the field... the aggression takes over... and you shift in front of everyone," Derek tells Scott.

Moral of the story// Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now