Wish you were here

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Scott is once again asleep in bed in just his boxers and a tank top, covered up with his comforter, when he's suddenly awakened by the sound of a shotgun being fired nearby. He looks around in confusion for a moment, but when he doesn't hear anything else, he lays his head back down and tries to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a wolf howling can be heard, which causes Scott to sit up in bed and fling his legs to the side. He grabs his jeans, which are still laying on the floor from where he had shed them the previous night, and gets up to go.

Suddenly Ella walks in. "Did you hear it too?" she asks. "Yes, I'm going to look what happened." "Can I come with you?" the girl asks. "Sure"


When Scott and Ella arrive at the Beacon Hills Industrial District, they can hear two people talking, a man and a woman. The two werewolves decide to take a look.

"That's the brother I love." The woman speaks up. "Chris, there were two of 'em." the same woman speaks up, now being a little more serious. Scott's eyes widen. "That's alisson's dad." he speaks up. Ella on the other hand is more focused on the blonde woman. "I recognise the woman from somewhere, but I can't place it." she tells Scott.

"The Alpha?" Alisson's father asks the woman. "I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me." she replies. Argent, once again voicing his displeasure with her actions, cuts her off, knowing exactly what Kate has just shot the Werewolf with (though not knowing for sure who exactly was shot) without even having to ask her. Scott cocks his head in confusion as he tries to put together what it is they're talking about, not having all of the pieces of the night's events yet.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead." the man speaks up. "Wait, what if they are talking about Derek and the alpha?" Scott asks Ella. "It could be. That's why we need to listen." she replies. Scott does what she tells him.

Kate scoffs, only this time she's actually slightly offended. "Well, I can't help killing either of them if one of them kills me first." she defends. Argent, knowing that she's right, sighs before asking his next question. "How long will it take?" Kate shrugs nonchalantly, not really caring either way.

"Give him forty-eight hours..." Kate tells Chris. Ella and Scott look at each other in shock. "What if she really is talking about Derek? Will he die?" Scott asks Ella. "No, we will save him." she states with confidence. "How?" Scott asks. "I don't have a clue." Ella admits.

Kate walks past Argent to get into his SUV, and Argent sighs before walking over to get back into the driver's seat. Derek, still laying on the ground, pulls himself back with his right arm until he's right in front of the wall of the nearby shed, allowing him to lean against it as he cradles his injured left arm against his chest. Scott and Ella don't see him and he doesn't see them either.

Once he's in a stable position, he pulls up the sleeve to his injured arm and is shocked to find that, not only is the bullet wound through his inner forearm (barely an inch below the crook of his elbow) not healing, but it's smoking with a mysterious purple-blue vapor. Derek winces once again and tries to figure out how he can possibly treat this wound, looking understandably panicked as he does so.


Ella is at the hospital, once again visiting Peter. She couldn't help hereself. She just has to talk to him after everything that happened this week. Peter isn't laying in his bed anymore. He is sitting in a wheelchair, but he's still paralyzed. At least Ella can look him in the eyes now. "Hey Peter, it's me again. I still don't know if you can hear me, but many things happened this week that I want to share with you. I can't tell Melissa, because her own son is involved too." Ella starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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