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Ella is walking trough the Beacon Hills hospital. It seems empty. There aren't any nurses to be seen in the whole building. When she walks trough the halls, one of the doors is wide open. Ella enters the room and sees Peter laying on the bed, but something changed. His face is completely healed.

"Peter?" she asks. His eyes suddenly open and he sits up straighter on his bed. "Ella, you came." Confusion covers the girl's face. "You called?" "Yes, I did." "Why?" Peter stands up and gestures Ella to come. "Follow me." The two walk trough the long halls of the hospital, until Peter stops in front of a door. When Ella enters the room, she sees her dad, laying on the bed.

When she hovers over her dad, he wakes up. He grabs Ella's throat and starts choking her. The girl can't get herself out of his grip and starts to run out of oxygen. Suddenly, her alpha pulls her away and starts attacking the man. He slashes the man's throat until he doesn't fight against it anymore.

When Ella wakes up, she starts screaming.

These nightmares have to stop. They are even scarier than her reality. There hasn't been a single night in weeks that she had a good sleep.

A knock was heard from the bedroom door. Come in! "Ella, are you alright?" Scott asks the girl. "Yes, just another nightmare." "I had a nightmare too. I actually don't even know if it was a dream or reality."

"What happened?" "I killed Allison." Ella's eyes go wide because of the shock she's in. "Well, hopefully it was all just a dream, hopefully for us both."

"Yeah, Indeed. I can't stop thinking about it. What if I actually killed her?" "You'll see tomorrow, but let's hope for the best. Anyways, if you want to talk about it, I'm here. It's not like I can sleep anyways."

"Thank you."

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As Ella can't take her mind of the nightmares she's had the past days, she decides to go visit Derek. When she walks in the police station, she spots the sherrif.
"Ella, how can I help you?" "Can I speak to Derek, please. "Sure." The sherrif guides her to the two cells and Derek is sitting on the ground in the right cell. "

"Derek, you have a visitor." Derek looks up and makes eyecontact with the girl. She gave him a sympathetic smile. The sherrif nods and leaves the two alone.

"You know, I told them it wasn't you," Ella starts. "I'm sure you did," he simply replies. "These kids just want to know what's happening. I know they are actually terrified," she explains. "I know that too, but locking me up isn't getting them out of danger. It only makes things worse."

Ella sighs. "Soon enough, you'll be free again." Derek stands up and walks closer to the girl, with the railings still between them. "How would you know that, Ella?!" he snaps. "Well, think about it. Laura was killed by a werewolf, which means that any clue on the killer will lead to an animal. They definitely don't know that you're a werewolf, which means that in their eyes, you can't be the killer."

Some hope forms in Derek's eyes, but then he sighs. "I hope you're right, Ella, because if you aren't, Beacon Hills is in danger."

"Just promise me that you'll help Scott out. I know he's a pain in the ass sometimes and his little spast friend too, but he needs you." Derek thinks about it for a while. "I promise," he then speaks up.

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When Ella walks into the waiting room of the veterinarian, she sees a little girl and her mother with a labrador. The labrador seems to be sick. "You can come in," the veterinarian tells them and she guides them to the examining room.

Moral of the story// Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now