I just hope you wake up soon

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"Hey Peter. I know we haven't talked for a while, but it's not your fault. Well, partly it is, since you decided to throw ten years of friendship away, because apparently you only wanted a hookup," Ella starts, while sitting on a chair next to the lifeless body of Peter laying on a bed.

Derek had informed Ella about everything that happened, most importantly Peter escaping the fire, entirely burnt. Coincidentally, peter has also been in a coma for six years. All this time while Ella was in the hospital, Peter was there too.

She sighs. "Anyways, like I said, it's not all your fault. I woke up from a coma yesterday. The nurses told me I was supposed to die. I had gotten myself into a terrible car crash. I've been in the coma for six years." Kind of ironic that she's saying this to a man who's literally paralyzed, she thought.

"I really shouldn't be speaking right now. You're condition is much worse than mine. You're paralyzed, while I completely healed. I don't understand. You're a werewolf, you should heal like me," she continues her speech.

"Oh, right....I forgot to tell you. I'm bitten by an alpha. At first, I thought it was Laura, but she happens to be death. I wish i had seen your family before the fire. I can't imagine little Cora being death. She wouldn't be little anymore now. I always imagined giving her the greatest advices on life when she got older, even if my life wasn't as perfect as it could be."

"I will find the alpha, even if it means my death. I want to know why they would save just a normal girl like me. Well, at least I was."

"Anyways, enough about the werewolves. I just wanted to say that I..." she lets out a sigh. "I never believed it you know. I never believed you just wanted a hookup. Every single thing about our friendship felt real. I know that you're not that good at acting. I still remember when you imitated Romeo and I had to be your Juliette. It was the worst performance I've ever seen, but it's still one of the best memories I have," she let out a chuckle.

"I just want to know why you did it....why you left me all of a sudden. I've never understood, and that's why I could never forget you. I still love you Peter. I think a part of me always will. I just wish you weren't such an asshole at that time."

Ella's phone suddenly starts ringing. 'Unknown' it says. She decides to pick up and quickly leave the room. Little did she know that in the same room, Peter is smiling while also letting a tear he has been holding in for a while, finally escape.

"Hello?" the girl answers the phone while holding it to her ear. "Ella? Is this you?" she hears a familiar voice ask. Ella rolls her eyes. "No, it's Santa Claus. Yes, it's Ella, you idiot," the brunette answers sarcastically . "It's me, Stiles." "Yes, I figured out that much. How did you even get my number?" she asks, letting her frustrations out on Stiles.

"Scott," he bluntly answers. "And how did Scott get my number?" Ella asks in an irritated voice. "Melissa." "Makes sense. Anyways, why did you call?" the brunette asks.

"I want you to come over to my house. Scott is here too. We are trying to get as much information about werewolves as possible," he explains. "I have much more important things to do right now." Ella answers, thinking about Peter, still laying on the bed.

"What could ever be more important than finding out how you and Scott won't kill anyone, or worse, me?" he asks, being totally oblivious. "I feel like killing you right now," Ella threatens. She can hear the fear trough the phone. "Anyways, it doesn't matter what I'm doing right now. I'll come over, because it's better for Scott, not for you. Just send me the adress," Ella gives in.

Moral of the story// Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now