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Two years went by and Zi-ning still remained at Taishan, continuing her daily routine of copying the scriptures in the morning and learning the physician's art from the abbot in the afternoon. Although Shujin and Hana could not understand why she still refused to return home, nor could they understand why she went through the trouble of learning the craft of a physician when her family already had access to the best physicians the capital had to offer, they remained loyally by her side looking after her daily needs.

Although the conditions at the temple were a far cry from what they were used to back at the capital, they still led a fairly comfortable existence with no shortage of food and warm clothing. Over the two years, Zi-ning had shed the last vestiges of her childhood and blossomed into the alluring young lady that she now was. Even though she now wore plain and simple cotton dresses instead of the luxurious silks that she used to, there was no disguising the beauty that was growing with each passing day.

However, despite the length of time that she had been here, she had yet to have an audience with the elusive Lady Li.

"Miss, it's getting late. Shall we go back in? You'll catch a cold if you continue reading out here," Hana said, placing a shawl over Zi-ning's shoulders. It was dusk, and Zi-ning was sitting out in front of her quarters poring over the new medical volume that she had borrowed from the abbot.

Looking up, Zi-ning smiled. "It's still early. I'll read for a little while longer, until the sun sets."

"I'll bring out another burner then. The winds are getting more and more chilly nowadays." Hana shuddered, wrapping her own shawl more tightly around her shoulders and hurrying back indoors. It was only autumn, but already the winter winds were starting to blow.

Zi-ning turned her attentions back to the book, her smooth forehead furrowing slightly as she tried to comprehend the depths of knowledge it contained. Learning the skills of a physician hadn't been an easy feat, but she was a fast learner and by now she was possibly only second-best to the abbot himself here at Taishan. When the abbot was unavailable, she would help out with the free clinics that the temple organised once a month for the poor and needy from the neighbouring areas.

The sudden flapping of wings distracted her from her reading and Zi-ning looked up to see a huge flock of birds taking to the skies, apparently having been startled by some commotion in the woods. There was a rustling from the bushes behind her, and when she turned around, Zi-ning saw a man emerge from the darkness, collapsing onto the ground in a heap. Her eyes widened, shocked by the intrusion.

The man was dressed in black from head to toe, his face masked by a piece of black cloth, only leaving his eyes exposed. The only distinguishing factor about him was that alarming splash of silver at his fringe, falling gracefully across his eyes. When she was certain that he wasn't moving, Zi-ning got up hesitantly from her seat and walked over. Standing beside him, she gently tapped his side with the tip of her shoe—but he didn't stir.

Zi-ning bent over and took hold the man's wrist, instinctively trying to feel for his pulse.

"Miss! What's going on? Who is this?" Hana exclaimed, dropping the burner onto the ground in alarm. She immediately rushed over to her young mistress, wanting to pull her away.

"It's alright," Zi-ning replied. "He's lost a lot of blood. Come, help me get him indoors."

Hana did not look convinced by what her young mistress was telling her, but she obeyed regardless and helped Zi-ning to lift the man up and haul him inside. She helped Zi-ning to remove the man's shirt, revealing a grim gash that stretched from the centre of his chest all the way down to the left side of his waist.

"Miss, I don't think this is a good idea. Should we call the abbot?"

"The abbot is away on a short pilgrimage, have you forgotten?" Zi-ning shook her head. "There's no time. If we don't do something about this right now, this man will be dead in less than an hour."

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