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Exactly two weeks from the day he first appeared, the man left, leaving behind a brief note of thanks and the white jade pendant that he had once worn as payment for her help. Sitting in her room, Zi-ning held up the pendant to the light, admiring the intricate carving of the encircling dragon. White jade was rare in these parts and jade of this quality was even rarer. This pendant alone probably cost more than five years' worth of an average person's wages.

"You would think that he would say thank you personally before leaving," Shujin snorted, setting down the fresh pot of tea onto the table. "Rude."

"He was probably in a hurry," Zi-ning replied with a slight smile. She set the pendant back down on the table. "Anyway, I thought you would be the happiest to find out that he's gone?"

"Of course! Good riddance!" Shujin clapped her hands together. "Miss, do you know how worried I was about him being here? I haven't been able to have a good night's sleep for two weeks. There were even a couple of times when I woke up in the middle of the night because I had nightmares of people storming the temple and killing all of us because we rescued that man."

Hana laughed as she continued tidying the clothes in the drawers. "Shujin, you're far too timid. If the young miss said that things will be fine then things will be fine. Look—now the man is gone and we're all still standing here in one piece, aren't we?"

Zi-ning smiled as she watched her two maidservants continue bantering with each other, although a pang of sadness struck her when she heard Hana's words. The two girls trusted her so much, yet she hadn't been able to protect either of them in her previous life. This time around she was determined to ensure that both Hana and Shujin would be able to lead long, fulfilling lives.

"What should we do with this pendant, Miss?" Hana asked, pointing at the white pendant that the man had left behind. "Should I keep it with your other accessories?"

Zi-ning shook her head. "Why don't you tie it together with the white knot that I have and I can wear it at my sash?" She quite liked the carving of the white jade, so since it had been given to her then there was no harm in wearing it.

After the little interlude with the injured man, things fell back to normal. The abbot returned from his pilgrimage and so Zi-ning resumed her lessons with him, but after about a week or so, an unexpected visitor appeared at her front door. It was a middle-aged lady with her hair done up neatly in a bun behind her head. Although she was dressed simply, there was a poise and grace in her manner that immediately suggested that she was different from the people that they were used to seeing around the temple. After reporting to Zi-ning, Hana quickly ushered the lady in to the room.

The lady bowed respectfully when she saw Zi-ning sitting there. "I apologise for the intrusion," she said, "but I have been sent by my mistress to invite you over to her quarters for tea."

"And your mistress is..."

"My mistress is Lady Li, who resides over at the eastern quarters of the temple."

Hana and Shujin exchanged puzzled glances with each other when they heard what the woman said, neither of them having any clue who this mysterious Lady Li was. In the two years that they had been here, they had not heard anyone mention this person before, although it had been told to them that the eastern quarters was strictly out of bounds.

"Lady Li? I never knew there was such a lady living in the temple as well," Zi-ning said, pretending to look surprised. "To what do I owe the honour of such an invitation?"

The lady smiled. "Perhaps you might like to speak to my mistress, and she will be able to enlighten you."

"Well I suppose it's always nice to meet someone new." Zi-ning stood up from her seat, smoothening down the front of her skirt. "Since Lady Li has so kindly invited me over, then I see no reason to reject her good intentions." Smiling in return, she followed the lady out of the door.

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