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"Miss, do we really have to put in so much effort to find a present for Miss Meiyan?" Shujin complained as they walked out of the fabric shop. "We could have just bought the rouge from the previous shop. Miss Meiyan likes the make-up from that shop, doesn't she?"

They were out about town shopping for a gift for Meiyan's coming-of-age ceremony and Zi-ning had already combed through five different shops on this particularly warm day of spring. It was customary for other young ladies to bring gifts for the leading lady on that day, so Zi-ning would have to get something for her sister whether she liked it or not. There were appearances that needed to be kept up.

Smiling, she patted her servant girl on the back of the hand and said, "Meiyan is the first daughter of our family to come of age and I have no doubts that Lady Min will ensure that the ceremony is as lavish as it can possibly be. As her sister, my gift has to be something that is special, so that nobody can fault me for it, isn't that right?"

"But, but—" Shujin pulled a face as she watched her young miss walk on ahead, turning to step foot into He's jewellery shop. Sighing, she chased after the young lady, joining her in the shop.

The shop assistant beamed widely when he saw Zi-ning enter. "Miss Han, welcome back to the shop!" he called out, eyes just as starry as they had been when he first saw her. "What can I get for you today? We have a new series of necklaces that have just hit the shelves. They're all made of top quality gold and sapphires from the mines near the Hua border." He gestured towards the shelves behind him that had a row of glittering necklaces on display.

"I'm looking for a gift for my sister's coming-of-age ceremony," Zi-ning said, walking over to the counter. She studied the displays carefully, before pointing at a couple of necklace and earring sets. The shop assistant immediately brought them down and laid them out neatly in front of her so that she could take a closer look.

"These are beautiful, Miss!" Shujin exclaimed, ogling at the sparkling sapphires on the countertop.

"They are indeed," Zi-ning mused, running her fingers across the cold stones. In the past these precious stones and gold accessories had been her best friends, but not anymore. She remembered Ru-an gifting her a jewellery set in her previous life, one that had been set with sapphires much like these ones. She had been over the moon, insisting on wearing that same set out to every single gathering, showing them off proudly to everyone and anyone.

Perhaps sapphires would be suitable for Meiyan, she thought, holding up a sapphire earring to the light. Just like Ru-an was.

"I'll take this—"

"We're here to pick up the black pearl necklace. Is it ready?" an effeminate voice cut her off in mid-sentence.

Zi-ning turned around to see two men walk in through the door. The one who had spoken was a skinny fellow with a pallid complexion, dressed in red chiffon garb that hung loosely off his lithe frame. He had a nose too large for his face and his lips were thin and unfriendly. Beside him was a face that Zi-ning recognised from the palace banquet a while back—it was Prince Zhiren of Hua. She averted her gaze quickly the moment their eyes met, turning her head back toward the counter.

The two men walked up to her side, the prince's aide continuing his conversation with the shop assistant as if she were invisible. "Bring it quickly. We don't have much time to waste," he said rudely.

The shop assistant nodded, smiling at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Miss. If you could just give me a moment, I'll be back to settle your purchase soon." He hurried through the open doorway towards the back rooms of the shop to fetch the necklace that the Hua envoy had demanded.

"My apologies," Prince Zhiren called out in his rich, buttery tone. "We did not mean to interrupt your transaction, Miss..."

"Han Zi-ning, Your Highness," Zi-ning replied, curtseying politely. She kept her gaze fixed on the floor, not wanting to look up at him. She didn't know much about this Hua prince nor did she want to. Royalty was trouble and she had already suffered enough at the hands of the Duan royals.

"Have we met?" the prince asked, arching his eyebrow quizzically. "You know who I am?"

"I attended the banquet at the palace previously. My father is the Minister for Agriculture in the royal court."

"Ah..." Situ Zhiren studied the her carefully, from the silver lily hairpin in her hair to the matching silver embroidery along the hem of her maroon skirt. "Why will you not lift your head to look at me?" he asked.

"It is not proper etiquette to stare at members of royalty, Your Highness."

"What if I insist?" the man said, the corners of his lips tilting upwards in amusement. "Look up at me."

Zi-ning slowly lifted her head, knowing better than to disobey his order. Royals disliked disobedience and she did not want to risk offending the prince of Hua, not after what she had seen of him at the palace banquet. He was a confident man and undoubtedly an arrogant one too, judging from how he had strolled in late to the banquet and not even batted an eyelid.

When he set his sights upon her countenance, the prince's smile stretched even further, a greedy sparkle appearing in his eyes. Zi-ning knew that look and her instincts told her that it wasn't good. Thankfully, the shop assistant came rushing back with the prince's item moments later, forcing the man to tear his gaze away from her.

"This is the necklace that you ordered," the assistant said, opening an intricate wooden box to reveal a necklace that was fashioned entirely out of exotic black pearls.

Zi-ning heard Shujin gasp beside her and she instinctively glanced at the necklace on the countertop. Once she took a look at the necklace, she, too, was unable to hide the astonishment in her eyes. She had seen black pearls before, back when she was living in the eighth prince's manor as his concubine, but never had she seen this many and designed in such an elegant manner. It was no wonder He's Jewellery was so acclaimed across the three kingdoms. The man behind these jewellery designs was a genius and a master of his craft.

Situ Zhiren picked up the necklace, then turned back towards Zi-ning. "Do you like it?" he asked, holding it up in front of her.

Zi-ning quickly stared back down at her feet, shaking her head.

"No?" Zhiren looked over the counter at the shop assistant, his eyes narrowing. "It seems like your work is not satisfactory."

"How dare you bring something like this out to us!" his aide shouted angrily, his voice becoming more shrill as he did so. "Do you know who this is? This is the Crown Prince of Hua! How dare you produce this sort of shoddy work!" The skinny man withdrew a dagger from his belt, pointing it menacingly at the petrified boy.

"Forgive me, Your Highness," the boy bowed over and over, "I... I..."

"Your Highness, I did not mean it that way," Zi-ning quickly said. "The necklace is beautiful."

"But you didn't like it."

"It is far too valuable for someone like me, Your Highness."

"What if I don't agree with that?" Prince Zhiren took a step closer towards Zi-ning, and she took a step back. He held out the necklace once more, wanting to put it around her neck.

Zi-ning quickly backed away even further so that she was out of reach. "Your Highness, I would not dare sully something as precious as that," she said. "If you'll excuse me." Curtseying, she gestured to Shujin and hurried out of the shop.

She took a deep breath the moment she stepped onto the street, making her way down the cobbled pavement in hope that the prince wouldn't come after her. "Quickly, Shujin," she said, turning to her maidservant. At that moment, she crashed headfirst into someone who had been walking the other way, causing her to stumble backwards. She felt herself losing balance, but just as she was about to fall someone caught her by the waist and pulled her back upright.

She looked up, meeting a face partially covered by a familiar silver mask. 

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