17. "It's not what it looks like!"

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Sunlight beamed through the bedroom window of the chateau. Blair flinched at the bright daylight and found her self awake now. She sat up in the bed she laid in and let out a yawn and stretch. The sheet fell off her torso as she let out a gasp and grabbed the sheet to cover herself again.

'Why... am I naked??' She thought to herself. She looked around for the blood stained shirt she thought she'd slept in but it was no where to be found.

She gasped again to a sleeping John B on the floor. She'd never been more confused.

'What happened last night? John B must've brought me in here bu-'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Rise and shine, you better be decent cause I'm coming in." Kiara's voice rang behind the door. The door knob turned and Kiara took a step before stopping in her tracks seeing Blair's startled expression.

Kiara's eyes drifted to the sheets covering Blair's naked body, then followed to a passed out John B on the floor. Kiara raised an eyebrow.

"did... you guys d-?!" Kie whisper yelled.

"nonono, I swear it's not what it looks like" Blair whisper yelled back.

"well it looks like you're naked in John B's bed!" Kiara whisper yelled again. Kiara motioned for her cousin to follow her out to the kitchen. Blair quickly grabbed a shirt off the floor and put it over her head.

"This shirt smells like John B sweat" Blair said with a disgusted look on her face, walking over to the kitchen counter where Kie sat waiting for her.

"I'm sure you'd know, considering he was sweatin all over you last night" Kiara teased her.

"I told you we didn't do anything." Blair whisper shouted not wanting John B to hear their conversation. "I honestly can't remember anything from last night after you guys left"

"So your story is he drugged you and now you don't remember a thing?" Kie joked.

"Kie I'm serious!" Blair nudged her cousin as she began pacing. "I mean I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the couch, so John B must've taken me to his bed which would be why he's on the floor I suppose?"

Blair continued pacing while Kiara continued to watch. "But I still don't understand where my clothes went. John B wouldn't have taken them off. Unless.. did I?" Blair put a finger to her lips. "It doesn't seem like something I would do though."

Kiara had made her way to a calendar that hung on the refrigerator she noticed the date. "Uhm would last night being a full moon have anything to do with your bedtime stripping?" She spoke.

Blair froze. All of the flashbacks of the full moon's whispers, the siren song and... murdering those men flashed through her mind all at once.

"Oh my god." She spoke in almost a whisper. She'd now stopped pacing hand holding her stomach in fear and sickness.

"What?" Kie said standing in front of her with a worried look.

"I think I just killed those men that were after me last night." Blair said still in shock.

"WHAT?" Kie now shouted. Blair hurried to shush her cousin by putting a hand over her mouth.

"Shh!, I don't even fully remember everything that happened. I'll explain everything I just don't know how I'm gonna tell the guys this, how I'm gonna tell John B-"

"Tell John B what?" John B walked out of the bedroom throwing a new shirt over his torso and fixing his hair.

Both girls froze for a second before Blair quickly dropped her hand from Kie's mouth. He walked past the girls grabbing a drink of water.

"Oh uhm, just girl stuff. Come on Kie we better get home before Anna wonders why she hasn't seen me in over 12 hours" Blair nervously laughed as she walked towards the door.

"Uhm B?" Kie said.

"Yeah?" She said turning around.

"You're not wearing any pants" Kie raised her eyebrows holding back a smile.

Blair looked down to reveal the t-shirt that just barely covered her lower half. "Right. John B could I maybe borrow a pair of shorts please?" Blair smiled at him.

"Sure, you want some of my boxers too? How about a pair of my shoes?" He said sarcastically.

"Actually, maybe a shirt that's seen better days? And don't be ridiculous John B I could never fit into your shoes" Blair teased back at him.

John B shook his head and went to toss her a pair of his board shorts.

"Thanks, gotta go bye!" She said grabbing Kie's hand and running put of the Chateau leaving a confused John B behind.


After a quick trip back home where Blair refreshed herself with a shower and some of her own clothes, Kiara and her took a walk near the beach.

"Hey, what happened to the bandages I put on you? And the cuts they're like gone?" Kie now just noticing Blair's arm and leg now that she wore her own more revealing clothing.

Blaire traced her fingers over the faint scar on her left arm. "The moon must've healed them..." She said quietly.

"Yeah, the moon. Apparently can make you murder people to." Kie said in a hushed tone.

Blair told Kiara everything she remembered from that night. As much of it frightened Kiara to know, apart of her was relieved these guys would be off their backs. But she couldn't help but think of if this could somehow lead back to her cousin.

"I'll tell the guys at some point soon. I mean they should just be relived right?" Blair said twiddling with her fingers as they continued walking.

"Not to JJ, you saw how hyped he was on his mission" Kiara held back a laugh.

Blair frowned remembering how upset JJ was and how he stormed off. "Maybe I should talk to him. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go find him I'll catch up with you later" She hugged her cousin and headed off.


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