29. Neverland

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John B gripped Blair's hand tightly while his other hand had a death grip on her arm at the alarming rate they sped through the open waters. He squinted his eyes shut from the saltwater, also feeling a bit nauseous at the speed they were going.

They stopped every so often for air before finally making it to their destination which didn't take them very long.

The both of them dragged themselves ashore collapsing in exhaustion.

"Have we landed yet?" John B asked, eyes still shut laying on his back.

Blair gave him a puzzled look. "What?"

"Earth? Have we landed?" He said rolling over on his stomach opening his eyes finally.

"Yes, we're here." Blair spoke softly.

John B attempted to stand up taking the backpack off and getting on his hands and knees, right as he did a wave a nausea went over him and he clutched his stomach rushing to the side and the sounds of coughing and throwing up were heard.

Blair felt awful, she didn't think about how the journey must've felt for him and how it would affect him since she was so used to how fast she swum.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." She said sincerely.

John B rinsed his mouth a few times with some of the saltwater making a sour face at the bitter taste before spitting it out.

He laid down on his back on the damp sand. "Don't worry about it. I think I'm good now." He breathed.

"I think we may have another problem..." Blair twiddled with her fingers still laying across the wet sand. John B looked over to her waiting for her to continue.

"It seems I might have to assemble a grass skirt or something somehow." She spoke staring back at her tail.

"Oh..." John B dropped his head back down. He reached over to the backpack beside him tossing is closer to her. "Kie's way ahead of you on that"

She reached over grabbing the bag and opened it to reveal a soggy bundle of her clothing inside along with a few other essentials. She sighed with relief and smiled to herself. "Thank you, Kie."

She carefully steam dried the bag and necessities in it, slowly curling her fingers into a fist while hovering over it.

After the bag was completely dry she decided she may as well dry off John B before she proceeds to dry herself. She reached her hand closer to where he laid still and slowly dried him and his clothing as well.

He looked over to her just as he was fully dry now. "Thanks.." he smiled softly at her.

"I'm gonna dry off and change really quick.." she spoke motioning for him to turn away for a minute.

"Oh.. right.." he quickly turned his head to the other side.

Blair dried her tail quickly, her legs now took it's place. She sat on the ground pulling out a turquoise bikini and putting it on. Then pulling out a light blue tank top and a pair of Jean shorts which she also quickly threw on.

"Okay. I'm good now" She said and John B turned back sitting up now.

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