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kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: quick question

yeah? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: do you come to go to miami for my birthday? i'll pay for the bnb so you only have to pay for the flight and food

you could've just asked me when you got back to the : room 😭

that could either be really fun or a chaotic mess :

i'm down :

but who's coming? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: do you just want me to add you to the gc?

yeah that's cool :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️ added you to 'miami trip 🏝💕'

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: onika's coming too yall

robby 🫂: if i have to share a bed with anyone i'm calling onika.

mel 🍃: bitch?

robby 🫂: you sleep fight bitch you're on your own

robby 🫂: im tired of waking up with bruises

lori: i'll sleep with you mel 😊

nayvadius <3.: i call O

robby 🫂: nigga you can't call her after i call her

nayvadius <3.: idc.

robby 🫂: bitch??

who's the unsaved number? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: that's my bestie from houston bey

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: say hi beyonce

(713)-638-2528: yo

hi :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: so anyway

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: so i wanted to go to miami during spring break and since it's my birthday my parents are paying for the bnb

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: we're in college so you should already have a fake id

robby 🫂: y'all know what they say about them miami trips 🙃

these are future receipts for someone's tiktok 😭 :

lori: i feel like not making a tiktok about the trip after the trip is over should be a rule

mel 🍃: or we could just not do stuff to make someone want to make a tiktok

robby 🫂: we found who's gonna be making the tiktok 🫵

mel 🍃: i don't even make tiktoks it's definitely gonna be ari

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: we're not falling out so let's not even speak that into existence

wait spring break is coming up omg i need to order : clothes

lori: someone come to the mall with me sometime this week

omg i need to buy a new wig :

robby 🫂: mall trip?

mel 🍃: rob we need to find a plug in miami before we get there

robby 🫂: on it.

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: tomorrow we can decide on an bnb & the rest of the details

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: until then stfu and gn


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