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I woke up to the sound of water running. For a second I thought I was peeing the bed until I opened my eyes and saw Bey on my phone screen.

She had her phone set up on the sink of her hotel bathroom but I couldn't see her.

She really didn't hang up??

I stretched and groaned, that was a good sleep.

Bey came in the screen patting her face with a towel. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake."

"I just woke up a second ago. Why didn't you hang up?"

"So I do hang up and I'm weird as fuck but when I don't hang up, you're still not happy?" She picked her phone up and left the bathroom.

"I never said I'm not happy, I just asked why." I'm really happy she didn't hang up for some reason.

"You looked cute sleeping.I didn't want to hang up." She threw her phone on what I think was her bed because it bounced after it landed.

"Why were you watching me sleep? That's creepy."

"You're the one that wanted to stay on Facetime. It was on my phone screen, what else am I supposed to look at?"

"Fine, you have a point. Are you about to go somewhere?"

"I'm about to get some food then catch my flight in a couple hours."

"Get some food with your ex?" I'm just asking because she said she was going to see see ex again, that's it.

"The way you're questioning me is how you should be questioning your nigga. Ask him who he's going out with, not me."

"It's way too early for you to be starting." Is the sun even your over there?

"I'm not starting anything, I'm just saying. You wouldn't ask him who he's going out with."

"Well you're not him. What happened to pretending he doesn't exist whenever we're on the phone?"

"Don't you think it says something that you want to act like he doesn't exist when you're talking to me?"

I sighed, "I don't really care. Where are you getting breakfast from?"

"I don't know, all I have is the address. Do you want some breakfast?"

"Do I want breakfast?"

"Yeah, I know your address because it's also Kellys so I could get breakfast sent to your house."

"I'm good, thank you."

She picked her phone up wearing something completely different. "Where do you want food from?"

"Nowhere? I just said I'm good. Thanks though." I'm trying to be nicer since she's always nice to me. Even if it is for the wrong reasons.

"I'll pick something myself then. What are you doing today?"

"Not shit." I'm officially on spring break so I'm just going to rest until Miami. "What about you?"

"Just flying home. I might go shopping for Kelly if I have time before I leave."

"Didnt you already get her something?"

"My best friend can never have enough gifts. I'm breaking the bank for her, she deserves it."

"What did you get her?"

"None of your business. You'll see when she sees."

"Just tell me, I won't say anything." I already know it's better than what I got her.

"I'll tell you one thing I got her. I got her a Chanel dress and matching bag."

"Really?" She must really love her. "I didn't know you had money like that."

I'm a broke college student, I didn't get her anything close to that.

"I have enough to spoil my best friend." She winked, "Or a girlfriend if I had one."

"Get one then." Because I know she's not talking about me.

"I'm working on that."

"You are?"

"Yeah, I think she likes me."

"I doubt it." She's definitely talking about me.

"I don't. Nobody's just Factiming and texting someone all the time for no reason."

"Friendships exists."

"I have lots of friends and it's not the same. We'll see soon enough. But I have to go, my Ubers here."

"Okay, bye." I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy talking to her right as I woke up.

"I'll text you when I get the chance. Bye." She smiled and hung up.

Not even half an hour later I got a text from her.

(713)-638-2528: your foods outside


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