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Today 10:39 AM

helloooo????? :

are you alive??? :

Today 11:49 PM

... okay i guess not? :

fuck you if you're okay i'm sorry if you're not :

i'm snitching :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️

girl :

is there something wrong with your best :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: no?

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: why would there be?

because i've been texting her since before :
we left miami and she hasn't responded

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: ohhhhh she's ignoring you

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: i was confused for a second i thought there was something actually wrong with her 😭 

??? :

what do you mean she's ignoring me? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: onika let's be fr

bitch what's that supposed to mean?? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: onika you were in the car with your ex

i am so sick of this :

i'm grown as fuck :

tell her to text me back rn :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: she doesn't want to talk to you and i respect it

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: maybe it's better to let things die down between the two of you since you clearly don't want her

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: you know i loveeee you but that's my best friend onika i'm not going to let you hurt her

i'm not hurting her though me talking to :
my ex should not hurt somebody i'm not
even with

her expectations for me are not my problem :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: okay onika

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: so why do you want to talk to her then?

because her just ignoring me is immature :
she could at least tell me she doesn't want to
talk to me if she doesn't

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: i'll talk to her but i can't promise that she'll text you

okay thanks :

i might order some food are you hungry? :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: mmmm yeahhh

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: just order me whatever you know me well enough to pick my order

okay :

kelly 🚣🏿‍♀️: she's going to text you back

👍 :

wing stop is otw :

bey 🙈

bey 🙈: what?

? :

why have you been ignoring me? :

bey 🙈: i'm just so good

???? :

bey 🙈: you're dumb and i'm tired

you're wayyyy too invested :

you should not be doing all this over me :
talking to my ex

TALKING because that's literally all we did :

i wouldn't have even talked to him if i wasn't :
drunk but i was so i let him take me away
somewhere to talk and then he took me home
and i went to sleep alone

like you dtm you really could've asked me :
if it was that serious which it's not by the way

bey 🙈: okay onika

bey 🙈: it's not even about me being invested or wanting you but i just don't want to be friends with a dumbass plain and simple

bey 🙈: like it's embarrassing you get dogged OUT on the fucking daily and don't give a fuck

bey 🙈: i saw that nigga getting multiple girls numbers and making me wait in the car while he left with her in the couple days i was there

okay and i'm not with him so why are you :
telling me this like i don't already know he's
not shit

the real reason you're mad is because you :
want to be with me

bey 🙈: yeah okay 😭

bey 🙈: onika i couldn't even be with you because i know i could go five for five in your face if i was with you and get away with it

bey 🙈: i couldn't be with someone i'm incapable of respecting because they have no respect for themself 

bey 🙈: get the fuck over yourself

you need to get the fuck over yourself you :
were literally just all in your feelings because
i spoke to my ex

i'm mad that you're talking to me all types of :
crazy but i'm going to let you have it because
i know why you're really mad

i came here to story but i was all types of :
dumbasses and stupid hoes

bey 🙈: i never called you a stupid hoe 😭

bey 🙈: but i said what i said

i am sorry for making the parts that i was :
actually wrong for

bey 🙈: okay

okay? :

bey 🙈: yeah

bey 🙈: bye


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