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Today 1:12

i've been drunk since 11 A fucking M because :
of your best friend

(713)-638-2528: what did she do? 😭

this bitch thinks it's her birthday already she :
had me taking shot after shot

(713)-638-2528: just wait until her actual birthday week youre gonns be sick

i'm about to be sick literally :

and i'm hungry but everything is closed on :
doordash rn

(713)-638-2528: ask nayvadius to get you something

(713)-638-2528: there has to be a mcdonald's or pizza place open somewhere around

he's sleeping 🫤 :

(713)-638-2528: where's kelly?

she's supposed to be coming home soon i :
didn't want to stay out as long as her

(713)-638-2528: 👍

(713)-638-2528: where are you from?

new york :


(713)-638-2528: sorry i had to 😭

that was lame as shit :

(713)-638-2528: do you have a cute accent?

no i have a deep ass voice :

i sound like a real gentleman 👨 :

(713)-638-2528: let me hear

(713)-638-2528: send me an audio message

no i was lying :

(713)-638-2528: well now i don't trust you.. facetime me

do you usually facetiming girls with boyfriends :
in the middle of the night??

(713)-638-2528: i'm not asking a girl with a boyfriend to facetime i'm asking you 🤨

(713)-638-2528: let's facetime

smddd :

(713)-638-2528: you text different when you're drunk

(713)-638-2528: that's not an answer

ask me again when i'm sober and during the :
day time

(713)-638-2528: you're so loyal it's sad

even if i did facetime you i wouldn't be being :
unloyal because it would be friendly

(713)-638-2528: true

(713)-638-2528: i don't chase straight girls

or girls who have boyfriends? :

(713)-638-2528: where?

you're not funny :

(713)-638-2528: you know i am

(713)-638-2528: we're going to facetime tomorrow

(713)-638-2528: we're friends now

mmm we'll see :

(713)-638-2528: i hope you really do have a deep voice

i know you didn't... :

(713)-638-2528: you know i didn't hope you have a deep voice?

you paid kelly to get me food??? 😁😁 :

(713)-638-2528: it was actually good for both of you

it was still nice :

thank you 🫶🏼 :

(713)-638-2528: don't mention it 🙃

(713)-638-2528: i'm about to go out but i'll text you tomorrow so we can facetime

going out out :

(713)-638-2528: what does "out out" mean?

like a club... party, just out out :

(713)-638-2528: no nothing like that

(713)-638-2528: i'm just gonna chill with a couple of friends

you keep using this chill word... why? 🤨:

is that secret code for a train? did my bf run a :
train on you??

(713)-638-2528: why would anybody be running a train on me...?

(713)-638-2528: crazy girlfriend syndrome is something different 💀

shut up 😐 :

it was just a question :

(713)-638-2528: i really just mean hanging out 😭

(713)-638-2528: we're in different time zones so it's earlier for me than it is for you

oh... :

you drink? :

(713)-638-2528: rarely

(713)-638-2528: alcohol makes you let your guard down too much and you have no control

(713)-638-2528: i only drink when i'm around certain people most of the time i smoke

my bf is the same way :

(713)-638-2528: i'm far from a crackhead i said i smoke 🥴

?? :

(713)-638-2528: Nothing

(713)-638-2528: You stole a couple more minutes of conversation with me and thought i didn't notice

(713)-638-2528: you're not slick

bye. :

(713)-638-2528: goodnight


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