Untitled Part 6

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The target is not completed. Still I was done with this chapter, so thought of uploading it. I'll start writing the next chapter only after this chapter reaches 60+ votes. Enjoy the part.


Shraddha smiled but she was surprised too. "Manik is in love!"

Aditya looked at her in surprise and narrowed his gaze. "How do you know that it's your brother? It can be my good for nothing brother too."

"I know it's not Vihan. It's Manik."

"How can you be so sure?" Aditya was confused seeing her confidence.

"You won't get it. But are you sure that Manik is in love?" Shraddha was still in doubt that Manik could be in love because of his nature and his outlook towards looks. Then she was also well aware of Vihan's liking towards Bulbul, so there was no way it was him. She knew how serious Vihan was about Bulbul.

"I'm not sure yet. The thing is your brother doesn't let his feelings out in front of anyone. He knows how to hide it. Actually he has become a pro in it. We won't get to know anything from him. I need to capture Vihan and ask him. I can't believe my sale sahab is in love." Aditya made a face at the end, thinking of his failure that Manik fell in love under his nose and he didn't get to know anything.

Nandini was reading a book. Manik was in the library too but unlike other days he couldn't concentrate on the book today. He was only staring at Nandini since his gaze caught her presence. But he couldn't gather the courage to go near her and talk to her.

"What're you doing?" Vihan whispered in his ear.

Manik came out of his zone. "I'm taking books."

"That I can see." He replied sarcastically. He knew it was a waste to say anything to his best friend after this, so he walked straight to Nandini and called her. "Nandini, will you explain the math of the last class to Manik? Actually, he has some doubt in them."

Manik heard him and his eyes went wide. He immediately pulled Vihan a little back. "What're you saying? I didn't understand the math? Have you gone mad or what?"

Vihan freed himself from Manik and smiled at Nandini.

"I can't explain it to him here. Then?" Nandini looked around.

"No, Nandini, you don't have to explain them." Manik denied.

"Why? We're friends now. You can ask me, if you don't understand anything, Manik. But wait a little. I've just a little work left, then we can go." Nandini mumbled with a soft smile and started noting down something.

Manik sat with her and Vihan left from there with Seher. He didn't know what to do. He was looking here and there as if he was there for the first time. It was the first time he was left alone like this with a girl, so he was nervous about his actions, he just didn't know what would be the right thing to do.

Nandini looked at him with her big doe eyes in astonishment. "What happened?"

"No. Nothing. You continue." Manik spoke, trying to smile and looked down. Something in him shivered with her look. 'How can anyone's eyes be so big? And beautiful!' He thought in mind.

Once she was done, Nandini and Manik went to the backside of the college beside the lake. The place was calm and no one came to this side much.

"You really didn't understand math?"

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