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(Y/n POV)

I entered my sisters car, sitting in the passengers seat beside her as she turned on the engine.

"Unnie. That was so mean of you." I looked at her.

"You're so immature at your big age." She sighed at me.

"Only around you, everyone is immature around their siblings." I laughed, "if you aren't that just means you aren't close with them." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes at me, "you just got me really worried since you were out so late." Seulgi sighed.


(Time skip next day, Chaeryeong POV)

I woke up in my room to the smell of food being cooked.

I slowly made my way out the room to see Ryujin and Lia unnie in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Oh Chaeryeong-ah, you're up." Ryujin glances at me.

"Something smelled nice.." I yawn, as I walk over to sit at the counter on a stool.

I look around to see that Yeji unnie or Yuna aren't around.

"They went down to the convienience store to get some things." Lia unnie said.

"How did you know I was gonna ask?" I look at her weirdly.

"You looked as if you were looking for someone." She replied as she continued to cook.

In just a few minutes the front door opened, seeing Yuna and Yeji unnie both walk in as Ryujin announced the food had just finished cooking.

We all ate together in front of the tv as we watched a movie. It was silent between us, with just the movie making noise before Ryujin decided to speak.

"Yeji unnie, did you actually mean it when you said you'll ask Y/n out?"

"I was considering it, why?" Yeji looked towards Ryujin.

"Ah.. It's just because Chaeryeo--"

"Because I have a crush on Y/n." I say quickly.

Yeji chuckled, "I know Chaeryeong. I realised when you both came back from getting the food, don't worry I won't be between you two." She reassured me.

"Really unnie?" I look at her surprised.

"Yes really, I'll keep my distance for a while or until you're okay with it." She nods.

"Speaking of Y/n, look who's calling." Ryujin laughed as she showed us her phone to see Y/ns name. Shortly after Ryujin answered the phone.

"Yes Y/n?" Ryujin paused, "today? when?" She then reached for the remote to turn down the volume of the tv, "oh right now?" Ryujin paused again, "yep I can."

Ryujin got up abruptly and walked off in the direction of her room, we all watches as she came out a few seconds later with a hoodie and mask on, her phone was now nowhere to be seen.

"Unnie where are you going?" Yuna asked.

"Y/n needs me for something, I'll be back soon." Ryujin says heading for the door, "and I know we have practice later, I'll be there on time." She says before exiting the house.

"Should we follow her?" Yuna suggests.

"Just leave it, it's not like they're dating or anything." Lia unnie replies.

"You never know~ Ryujin is really good at keeping secrets." Yeji wiggled her eyebrows.

"Unnie why would you say that?" I glare at Yeji and she just laughs.

"What?" She scoffs, "I was just teasing, I meant it is a possibility that she's dating Y--"

"I think you've had enough coffee Yeji," Lia replies as she takes the mug away from her.

"T- that's only only my first coffee give it back." Yeji laughs again as she chases Lia around the room.


(Ryujin POV)

I soon arrived at Y/ns house, I approached the door I pressed the doorbell. And shortly later I was greeted by a familiar face.


"Oh Ryujin, come in Y/n's waiting for you." She warmly welcomed me into their home.

I bowed at her before I walked in, I looked around for Y/n but couldn't see her.

"She's upstairs in her room, if you were looking for her." Seulgi said as she sat on the couch.

"Okay thanks," I replied before going upstairs.

I look around to see a few rooms before noticing a door with Y/ns name on it. I go over and knock on the door and hear her voice on the other side.

"Come in."

I push the door open and see her laying in her bed under the blankets.

She looks over to me and smiles, "you're here," Y/n pats the empty space next to her, "sit next to me I need to talk to you."

I close the door behind me as I walk in and join Y/n on her bed.

"What is it?" I turn to her.

She takes a deep breath before hesitantly speaking.

"Chaeryeong likes me doesn't she?" Y/n says slowly.

I widen my eyes to what she had just said, I probably gave away the answer from my reaction.

"So she does?" Y/n tilts her head at me.

"H- how did you know, did someone tell you?" I ask.

She looks around as she speaks, "I just had a strong feeling she did. Nobody told me, I was just thinking about it."

"When did you figure it out?" I ask her.

She hums before answering, "maybe.. A few days after we came into our last year."

So Y/n has known about Chaeryeong this whole time yet decided not to say anything about it. I mean I'd understand why she did, it's difficult to confront someone about it, especially if they're your close friend.

"So what are you going to do about it?" I say.

"Well, that's why I called you here." She pauses, "so you can help me because I trust that you won't tell her before I do."

"Alright, I won't say a word to her." I promise Y/n, "what were you planning to do."

"Maybe ask her how she feels about me or just tell her that I know about her feelings." Y/n replies slowly.

"They both seems reasonable but it's your choice, you're the one telling her."

"I know I know, it's just really difficult." She replies, "I guess I could try confronting her about it on monday.."

"Maybe ask her if she likes you and then you can make decisions from there?" I reply.

"That's a good idea, I'll try that." Y/n responds.

"Alright, just make sure she doesn't get hurt, because she's basically in love with you." I smile.

"Yep, I think I've figured that out." Y/n chuckles in response.

"So now that's done with what do you want to--"

"Y/n! Ryujin! Lunch is ready!" I hear her sister calling us from downstairs.

"Let's go eat first," I laugh and she nods her head as we both walk down the stairs to eat.

- Written By Dest1iny

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