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(Yunjin POV)

I answered the phone, to Y/n's older sister as she was calling. Beforehand, I tried to tell Y/n that her sister was calling but she just ignored me, so I answered it myself.

"Hello?" I said politely.

"Y-- oh.. who is this?" Her sister asked across the phone.

"This is Yunjin, one of Y/n's friends from Hanlim, I'm over at her house now with some others and Y/n's drunk." I say slowly.

"Y/n's drunk?" Her sister says surprised.

"Y- yes.. why?" I reply hesitantly.

"Y/n hates the feeling of getting drunk, so she never drinks too much." Her sister says, "is she okay?" she asks concerned.

"Well I'm not really sure, she's been acting a bit weird lately and--"

"Okay that's fine, take care of Y/n for me please. I'll make my way there." She replied almost in a hurry.

"Sure, I'll take care of her."

"Thank you so much Yunjin" She says before hanging up.

I keep my eye on Y/n until her sister comes so that she doesn't do anything stupid or anything that she'll regret the next day until her sister arrives.

Is Y/n really that upset about her relationship with Chaeryeong?

I was kind of surprised that Y/n hates getting drunk, but here I am seeing her slur over her words as she speaks to Chaewon unnie.

Maybe she's trying to get herself over whatever is happening with Chaeryeong.

Not soon later I hear the door open and see a familiar face walk through the door, and another person behind her.

Just then, Y/n's attention is also turned to the door. Her eyes light up when she sees the two women walk in.

"Seulgi unnie! Joohyun unnie!" Y/n shouts standing up and running towards them to hug them both.

It kind of shocked me when I saw them both walk into the house, because they're both members from Red Velvet.

But I was reminded that Y/n was siblings with Seulgi, so it only made sense.

Y/n's sister guided Y/n to sit back down as she came up to me and thanked me for taking care of her younger sister

"Thank you so much Yunjin, you're such a good friend." Seulgi smiled brightly, "Y/n is too much to handle when she's drunk, it's very rare but when she is, she can be a handful."

"It's alright," I smile back, "it's why I'm friends with her.." I trail off.

As the night got darker, my members decided it was time to leave, but Sakura unnie told me to stay here with Y/n and her sister to make sure she's okay, and I agreed.

I watched as Sakura unnie helped Chaewon stumble out Y/n's house as Kazuha closed the door behind them, leaving us four on the couch with a drunk Y/n.

"Unnie. Why are you here?" Y/n said, who was leaning against Irene's shoulder.

"Me? I came with your sister because she told me you were drunk, and you're like another sister to me." Irene said looking at Y/n.

Y/n laughed before sighing, "can I tell you all something?" Y/n spoke solemnly.

"What?" Seulgi asked Y/n.

Y/n hiccupped before speaking, "I- I think Chaeryeong and I broke up..." Y/n admitted.

Both of the Red Velvet girls' eyes widened once they heard it from Y/n.

"Y/n, why didn't you tell anyone?" Her sister asked concerned.

Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes, "I just kind of accepted it now y'know.." She spoke surprisingly calmly, "she's been ignoring me for nearly a month now, I even went to their dorms to try confront her but she wasn't even there, next time I knew, I went down to my bike and she was there..." Y/n stopped herself.

"She was there... And?" Seulgi prompted Y/n on.

"She was there. With another girl." Y/n said simply.

"Did you ask her what it was about?" Her sister asked.

"I didn't need to, she was holding hands with her and even struggled to justify herself." Y/n scoffed, "so I just kind of left."

"You idiot!" Seulgi hit Y/n's arm.

"Ouch!" Y/n blinked a few times.

"Y/n-ah, you should always let people explain, you shouldn't just drive off like that." Irene scolded Y/n lightly, "even if they are wrong, atleast it's clear between the both of you; but now here you are taking assumptions that you actually broke up." She carried on.

"Well it's too late now," Y/n slurred, "I've accepted it already so I just want to move on now." Y/n sighed.

"You can't move on that easily Y/n.." I said slowly.

Y/n looked at me with a frown, "and why not?"

"Because the way you were with Chaeryeong, you love her Y/n." Seulgi spoke.

"Love, love, love.." Y/n sighed, "this is why I wanted to get drunk because I hate feeling sad." Y/n complained.

"How about you ask to meet up with her, so you can clear things up." Her sister suggested.

"I agree, that's the best thing you can do right now." Irene said.

Y/n groaned as she moved to hug her sister tightly.

"I don't understand!" Y/n started to sob, "why are things so difficult!!" She complained.

Seeing Y/n so vulnerable like this broke my heart. I think everyone around her knows that she's a strong person, both emotionally and physically. But seeing her break down like this only made me wonder what Chaeryeong didn't to make Y/n this bad.

"Y/n it's okay." Seulgi comforted her, rubbing her back, "I know how hard it is, just let it all out for now." She said.

"These past few days I've been nonstop thinking about it and I absolutely hate it!" Y/n sniffed, "why can't I just get over it already!" Y/n complained once more.

"I know Y/n," Seulgi placed a gentle kiss on her sisters head, "just take a second to breathe okay.."

At this point Y/n had completely let down her walls and broke down. It really does hurt to see someone you know cry in pain like that.

Y/n breathed slowly as she lifted her head up to look at her sister, her eyes slightly swollen from all the crying along with her tear stained cheeks and a large frown that tugged at her lips.

"All three of us are here for you Y/n, we won't leave your side ever. Okay?" Seulgi said cupping her sisters cheeks.

Y/n nodded as she turned to look at me, "thank you so much Yunjin for bringing them here and for staying with me." She sniffed.

"You guys don't know how much I needed someone to cry to."

- Written By Dest1iny

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