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(Chaeryeong POV)

The time we had away from eachother during work and for the past 3 months, I had stopped thinking about Y/n.

If I was being honest I had fallen out of love with her. Instead of Y/n I had fallen for one of our dancers and before I even knew it, it all escalated from there.

But after seeing Y/n standing at my bedroom door today. My heart was racing when I made eye contact with her.

Her piercing yet warm eyes that I used to love to stare at everyday in front of me once more.

It's like something about her was just attracting me again. Like I was falling in love with her again.

No. Not again. Surely I'm happier now without her and with someone else.


Her eyes were tearing up when I grabbed her wrist to prevent her from leaving.

"Don't touch me." She said quietly, "please. It's the least you can do right now.." Y/n said as her voice trembled.

I didn't want to let her go. I wanted her to stay a little while so I could explain to her.

But the intense gaze in her eyes only made me listen to her and respect what she wanted me to do.

So I let her go.

I didn't chase after her, even though I wanted her to stay little longer. I stepped out my room behind her and watched as she ran out the front door.

She's gone.

"Where did Y/n go?" Yeji unnie said.

"Gone. We broke up." I stated dryly.

"You broke up!?" She stared at me in shock and I just nodded, "Chaeryeong! why would you let go of a girl like Y/n?" She stood in front of me.

"I don't know..." I stared at the floor.

"You probably know but she still loved you." Yeji unnie said.

"I know..But I don't anymore." I reply.

"It's because of our dancer Hyejin isn't it?" She asked and I just nodded again.

With that Yeji unnie shook her head at me and left, going back into her room.

Great going Chaeryeong.

(Y/n POV)

I had left in a rush. I didn't want to see her anymore. I wanted to get as far away from her as soon as possible.

I got on my bike and started driving, tears were stinging my eyes and before I even knew it they started to fall.

What did I even do to deserve a heartbreak like this. Why does it hurt so much? Why is it so painful to let go?

My sight was blurry from all the tears that had escaped. I could barely see anything as I drove.

I was still concious of where I was going. I was headed to the only person who made me feel like myself again.

The person who I rely on the most.


"Y/n-ah my love, don't cry please." My sister cradled my head as I laid in her arms, uncontrollably crying.

"I just don't understand!" I sniffed, "what did I do to make her fall out of love with me! Why is she gone unnie, I don't get it!"

"I get it Y/n.." She gently rubbed my back, "just breathe for me will you."

Her hoodie was wet from my tears but I couldn't help it, I could feel the pain in my chest like hurt so much that it was basically physical at this point.

"Unnie she's gone.." My voice trembled, "she fell for someone else, how did that even happen!" I complain to her for like the hundredth time today.

"Y/n look at me." Seulgi unnie helped me sit up and I stared into her comforting eyes. "You are such a wonderful person, you did nothing wrong, you did all you could to make things better but life just has a way of making things unfair." She said cupping my cheeks.

"I know you're upset, I know that you're sad and it's good that you're letting it all out but you're not letting it go." She said wiping my cheeks, "you're Kang Y/n do you know what that means?" She asks and I shake my head.

" 'Kang' means you're strong, it's in our name, I get that sometimes you have your ups and your downs but you always get back up. You always push through, you are the only person who can pick yourself back up." She then holds my hands.

"Crying doesn't mean you're weak, it just means you've reached your limit and you need help to overcome it. And that's exactly why I'm here Y/n, I know you're hurting and in pain right now but give yourself time and you'll heal." She says giving me a small smile, "can you do that for me?" she asks and I nod.

"Good." She places a gentle kiss on my head, "my little sister you've done your best now you need to rest." She says and pulls me to lean back against her chest, holding me in a tight embrace.

I relax under her warm hug, my breathing slowing down and returning to normal as I close my eyes.

I started to fall asleep when I heard her quietly singing a song, her voice was soft, comforting and it made me feel calm and at rest. Before I even knew it, I had fallen asleep.

(Seulgi POV)

Earlier before Y/n had fallen asleep she had burst through my front door, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her eyes and ear were bright red as her cheeks were stained with her tears. She fell into my arms and cried into my chest as I was standing by the kitchen counter.

She cried for hours, even after I had brought her up to my bedroom to try and calm down she wouldn't stop crying.

How did Y/n manage to be this heartbroken by one girl?

Y/n didn't let me leave for a second and just stayed in my arms, crying her eyes out until I had got some sort of control over her.

Like she always does, she listened to every word I said and slowly but surely calmed down.

Her breath steadied as she rested her head on my chest, I quietly sang her a song that our mum used to sing to her all the time. And within a few minutes, she was sleeping like a baby.

I laid there in my bed as Y/n was sleeping. Seeing her break down like this again only made me question how badly their break up was.

For all I know, Chaeryeong had fallen out of love with Y/n and that's why they broke up. But after seeing Y/n cry for hours, I can't but think that there must have been other things that had pushed their breakup.

But right now it doesn't really matter. I just need to be the shoulder that Y/n has to lean on.

Right now she needs help.

- Written By Dest1iny

sad times everyone :/

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