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(Y/n POV)

I was helplessly crying in my van, curled up on my seat as the tears carried on falling.

I was still hurt. My heart was still broken and aching. I was still missing something.

Or should I say. I was still missing someone.

Just when I thought I was strong enough to get back to normal. Everything comes crumbling back down again. I hate it.

I hate this pain. It feels so familiar. And maybe more familiar than it should be.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I just kept crying.

It was only until I heard a knock on my door, when I began to calm down.

I cleared my throat, grabbing a tissue to wipe my eyes. They were red and slightly watery as I caught myself in the mirror.

Whoever was at the door was very patient, because it took me a while to bring myself to properly calm myself back down.

It was unprofessional of me to be crying at work about my personal life. But I couldn't help it, the scene reminded me so much of what could have happened.

I gathered the courage to open the door.

And to my surprise, Min-kyu was standing there. A warm smile was on his lips, before it was quickly replaced by an expression of concern and worriedness.

His eyes widened a little before he stepped into the van, quickly shutting the door behind him as he gently held my shoulders.

"Why are you crying? Are you okay Y/n?" He asked, his tone filled with genuine concern.

I sniffed, by breath hitched as I began to speak, "not really.. I just... I'm just having a hard time right now."

Min-kyu sat me down, quickly handing me a bottle of water to drink from before sitting next to me.

"Do you mind telling me what happened.." He asked cautiously.

"I don't..." I chuckle, "j- just give me a few seconds." Sniffing once more as I wipe my tears.

"Take your time." He spoke calmly, softly patting my back, comforting me a little.

I exhaled and cleared my throat, "I broke up recently with someone, and it's taking me a while to come back to normal." I say slowly, "this is so unprofessional of me, and I shouldn't be crying when--"

"I completely understand you Y/n, it isn't unprofessional." He reassured, "things like that take a lot of time to recover from, and I'm actually surprised you returned to filming so quickly after something like that." Min-kyu smiled lightly.

"But I just came back from a break because I thought I could handle it..." I trailed off, "clearly not." I laughed at myself.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," he shook his head, "you're doing your best, and we even got a one-take scene, so you should be proud of yourself, because our director is kind of picky with scenes like that." He joked, lightening the mood a little.

"Thanks..." I weakly smile at him.

"Even though you're an amazing actor, I could tell that you were feeling a little off." He chuckled.

"You could?"

"Oh yeah." He nodded, "I noticed when we were filming the scene, your eyes were shaking and I just had a gut feeling that something was wrong." He explained.

"Right.." I nodded.

"Can I give you a hug?" Min-kyu asked in a friendly tone.

"Please do." I nodded, "I really need one." I spoke before he pulled me in for a comforting hug.

Min-kyu pat my back gently as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

He slowly moved away, sending me a light smile, "I'll leave for a bit, I'll tell the director that you need a bit longer." He said, standing up.

"Will he allow it?"

"He really likes working with you Y/n," Min-kyu laughed, "I don't know if you know that, but he really like working with you, so he definitely will." He nodded, holding the handle of the door.

"Oh right.. I see." I nod slowly.

"Get some rest Y/n and tell me when you're ready." He smiled before leaving.

(Narrator POV)

Once Y/n was calmed down and was feeling much better. She was on her feet and started preparing the next scene.

She stood next to Min-kyu, yawning a little as it was now 2 am. But they had to finish the rest of the scenes of the episode, then they could move on.

They only had two more episodes to film after this and it would be completely finished.

However, Min-kyu noticed Y/n's sleepiness, he could help but laugh a little, seeing her yawn and shake her head a little in the hopes she would wake herself up.

"Tired?" Min-kyu looked at Y/n.

Y/n stiffled a laugh, "yeah, I'm meant to be sleeping."

"I get you," He nodded in agreement, "but I think this is one of the last scenes and then we can go." Min-kyu sighed.

Y/n nodded, "I hope so.." She spoke slowly, "my eyes are about to shut." She joked, making her colleague laugh beside her.

"Y/n-ssi, the director wants to speak to you quickl" One of the staff members approached Y/n.

"Yeah sure," she nodded and made her way over to the director.

Once she made her way to the director, who was looking over the script, he looked up from the paper, making eye contact with Y/n.

"Y/n," He smiled, "are you okay with the next scene?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah yeah. I'm fine," she nodded.

"Are you sure?" The director asked once more, "you know what the scene is right?" He asked.

"Y- yeah it's the kiss scen--" Y/n cut herself off when she realised.

'You've got to be kidding me Y/n. how could you forget something like this?' she scolded herself mentally.

The scene had totally slipped her mind.

She was so caught up in her emotions from earlier and trying to make it up during the other scenes that she was filming.

"Y/n?" The director called out to her.

"Hm?" She blinked back to reality.

"You'll be okay right?" He asked again.

Y/n bit her lip subtly. Why is she nervous? She doesn't have anyone to worry about but herself.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." She nodded, clearing her throat.

"Just double checking on you, because I know you've been having a hard time recently, it's okay if you don't want to do it now." The director reasoned, "we can postpone it of you'd like--"

"No no," Y/n shook her head, "there's no need for that." She smiled lightly, "it just completely slipped my mind and-- but it's fine, we can get it over and done with." She nodded.

"Very well then." The director nodded before turning to his staff members nearby, "okay prepare for scene 20!"

- Written By Dest1iny

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