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(Winter POV)

We were on our way to visit Seulgi unnie while she was practising, along with her other members.

Karina had joined me as the other two girls were still recording.

I pushed the door open and looked around the room, I saw a girl sitting on the sofa watching the other girls' practice.

Who is that?

My attention was brought away when Karina pointed over at Seulgi unnie, who was looking towards us.

We bowed politely at her, but instead, she brought us into a warm hug.

Seulgi unnie talked to us for a little while before she gasped and suddenly had a lightbulb moment.

"Oh right, I should introduce you to my sister." She turned to the girl who was sitting on the sofa, "Y/n-ah, come here!"

The girl walked over to us with a slight smile on her face. She's really pretty.

The girl joined as with Seulgi unnie, standing next to her.

I couldn't help but stare at her. She had sharp features, similar to her sister. But he had a certain aura around her that only made me more curious about her.

Seulgi unnie had kindly introduced us to her younger sister, Y/n. We talked for a while before Seulgi unnie had to practice again.

So the three of us, me, Karina and Y/n, decided to sit and talk while we watched her sister and her members practice.

I didn't even notice how quickly time had passed because of how much we were talking.

I don't even remember what we were talking about because there was quite a lot.

But what I did take away is that Y/n is a really charming girl, and I think I'd want to know her better.

I mean, if she's Seulgi unnie's sister, they're bound to be similar in some ways, right? So, I guess, just like how charming her sister is, Y/n is also really captivating.

So when Karina offered to exchange numbers with Y/n, I couldn't help but want the same.

Karina and I had to sadly leave after because we had to get back to prepare for a recording.

But I really don't think this will be the last time I'm seeing Y/n.

We left the practice room, following our manager as I walked beside Karina.

"She's really nice, isn't she?" Karina spoke suddenly.

I smiled, "Y/n?"

She hummed in reply.

"Yeah, really pretty as well." I nodded, making her laugh.

"I take it. Do you wanna be friends with her?" Karina chuckled as she looked at me.

"How could you tell?" I laugh as she shrugs.

"I think I know you well enough to tell if you've taken an interest in someone." Karina teases.

I roll my eyes playfully at her words.

"I mean, she does seem really nice, not to mention she's really charming." Karina adds.

So it wasn't just me who thought that.

(Narrator POV)

The Red Velvet girls had finished practice, it was getting quite late but none of them wanted to leave because they wanted to spend more time together

So they were sitting all together in a circle with Y/n as they chatted.

Talking and making jokes amongst themselves as they took a well deserved rest.

"Oh, by the way, Y/n, how are you these days?" Wendy looked towards Y/n.

Y/n hummed in thought, "Not too bad, getting better.." Y/n trailed off.

"That's great," Wendy nodded, "you know, I think it would be great if you go on a trip somewhere."

"A trip?"

"Yeah," Wendy nodded once again, "to take your mind off from things."

"As much as I'd like that, I don't think I'd want to." Y/n chuckled.

"Why not?" Yeri asked, 'I can come with you, and we can have so much fun!"

The girls laughed at Yeri's high energy despite the tiring practice they had been through for the day.

"I think I might just take some time for myself.." Y/n replied, "y'know.. Just to figure myself out."

"Honestly, taking time for yourself after a breakup is the best thing to do." Irene reasoned.

"I also need to get back to work." Y/n sighed, "The director was nice enough to pause the shooting for my drama because I mentally and physically couldn't bring myself to be there."

The girls all felt sympathy for Y/n. They all knew how much she loved her ex.

And to see her so heartbroken had pulled some strings on their hearts. To all five of the girls, Y/n was like another sister.

So you could only imagine how much they all cared when Y/n had broken down.

However, they're much happier than before to see Y/n having the strength and courage to slowly, but surely, return back to normal.

"How about we all have a sleepover at Seulgi unnie's house tonight!?" Joy suggested.

Her words had sparked some happiness in Yeri and Wendy as they both nodded in agreement.

"Hey! When did you get my permission to organise things like that at my house?" Seulgi questioned.

"What do you mean, Unnie?" Joy laughed, "your house is my house!" Joy playfully hit her member.

"Mi casa es tu casa~" Wendy joined in with the teasing.

Seulgi rolled her eyes playfully, "Unnie, can't you do something about this?" She looked at the eldest who was admiring the members' happiness.

Irene shrugged, "it's your house, Seulgi," she laughed, "do whatever you like, but I don't think you can stop them."

Seulgi groaned as Yeri, Joy, and Wendy cheered. All three of them had their way of making their plans succeed even if Seulgi didn't want it to happen.

Y/n laughed as she watched Yeri, Joy, and Wendy cheer while standing up, doing little dances as they laughed.

"I can't believe they're older than me." Y/n chuckled, her words catching Irene's attention.

"You should know by now how childish they get when they're all together." Irene smiled.

"I just don't know how you've handled them for so many years." Y/n laughed, still watching the three girls dance around.

"I try my best." Irene shrugs before turning her attention to the three trouble makers, "come on, get ready so we can leave."

The three girls stopped in their tracks, Yeri, Joy, and Wendy turning to Seulgi with a large smile on their faces.

"Sleepover party!!!!"

- Written By Dest1iny

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