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(Y/n POV)

It's been a few weeks since our last fight, even though I still think I did nothing wrong I decided to try to fix things between us.

I miss Chaeryeong a lot. More than I thought I would have.

Nothing would get me more disappointed than to see a text, but only to see that it wasn't from her.

Even though I had reached out to her, she hadn't replied, but instead left me on read.

Yet I for some reason still had hope that she would remember and reply to my message, that's if I really mattered to her.

If I'm counting the weeks correctly it's coming up to our third week without a word between us. And now I don't even know if there's still something between us.

So I decided to go the Itzy dorms to see if I can fix things.

I take a deep breath as I gather the courage to knock on the door.

Within a few seconds of waiting, the door opens and I see Ryujin standing there.

"Y/n, what brings you here?" She asks.

"Is Chaeryeong there?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"She's out with one of her friends." Ryujin replies, "why don't you come in, we can catch up, it's been a few weeks."

I nod and walk into their house and sit on the couch. It seems more quiet than usual.

"Where are the other girls?"

"It's only Yeji unnie and me here," Ryujin says slowly, "Yuna and Lia unnie went out together earlier today."

"Ahh I see.." I nod slowly.

"Ryujin-ah! Have you seen--" I hear Yeji unnie shout from somewhere before stopping, making eye contact with me, "Y/n, why are you here?"

"I came to see Chaeryeong, but she's not here.." I say slowly, "Ryujin wanted to catch up with me for a bit.."

"Let me join." She gave me a bright smile before sitting next to me, "so~ what's up?"

I sigh, "I came to try to clear things up between Chaeryeong and I, but she's not even here. We haven't spoken for weeks and now I'm worried."

"How many weeks?" Ryujin asked, clearly concerned.

"Nearly three.. And the thing is I still don't know what I did wrong," I sniff as I start to feel my tears gather in my eyes.

"Y/n, come here.." Ryujin said pulling me into a comforting hug, "you shouldn't be crying."

"Even though Chaeryeong is our member and is like family to us, we'll try to talk some sense into her." Yeji unnie replied.

"Did she tell you what happened?" I sniff.

Ryujin hums in reply as she pats my back, "we knew that she was wrong, we just didn't know how to say it to her because you know.."

"Because we're supposed to be on her side and she'd get even more mad them it would get worse.." Yeji unnie carried on.

I moved away from Ryujin before leaning back against the couch, "it was really starting to get to me these past few days, I was even told to take a few days off because it was so bad."

I take a deep breath as Yeji unnie wipes my tears on my cheeks, "now I don't even know if I'm strong enough to tell her this because it just hurts. It hurts, so much.."

"Y/n, please stop crying you're the strongest person that I know, it breaks me to see you like this.." Ryujin holds my hand.

"Did she even mention me once after the fight?" I ask hesitantly, if she really cared about me, she would have said something right?

"No.. Whenever we tried to bring it up she would avoid it, or say something like 'I'm tired right now' and just walk away" Yeji said slowly.

So she doesn't care anymore. I see.

"I texted her days ago asking to meet up so we can fix things but she didn't even reply." I complained once more.

The girls didn't say anything, they held me in a comforting embrace as I continued to cry. I get it, it's overwhelming for all of us.

It's just the thought that, she fell for me but fell for her even harder. And now I'm the one suffering from whatever mess we created.

"Chaeryeong might be coming home in a bit, do you want us to take you home?" Ryujin asked, still concerned about me.

"I drove here, so maybe not.." I sighed.

"Your car right?" Ryujin asked and I shook my head, "you just had to be cool and drive your bike Y/n hm?" she teased me lightly, brightening up the mood a little.

"Well then drive safely and text me when you get home." Ryujin says holding my hand tightly.

"I will.. And thank you, both of you. I really mean it." I sniff once more.

"Stop the water works now Y/n-ah, you'll get me crying.." Yeji joked as they both pulled me in for a tight hug before I put my shoes on and opened the door to leave.

I took the elevator downstairs and walked towards my bike, seeing two people standing nearby it.

Not wanting them to see my tear stained cheeks I put my helmet on and walk towards them and my bike.

I get closer and see a familiar face.

Chaeryeong? No, it can't be. As I approach my bike I look towards them and. I wasn't wrong.

It is her and someone else. Is this the reason why?

I make eye contact with her through my helmet and she speaks.

"Y/n.. Why are you here?" She asks me.

"I was supposed to talk to you, but it doesn't matter anymore." I say getting on my bike and starting the engine.

She's slightly startled by the noise it makes but continues to speak, "what? what did you want to say to me?"

"It doesn't matter anymore Chaeryeong," I sigh, looking between her and the girl next to her.

"Y/n, it's not what it looks like, we're just friends." Chaeryeong said sternly.

"Just friends hm?" I tilt my head.

"Yes exactly that! Now why won't you believe me?" She raised her voice.

"Because, I've given up. I decided that now. I've given up, after all the efforts I had put in for you, you choose to ignore me. But now you want to talk to me?" I reply quickly.

She stays silent for a few seconds, what a familiar sight. Completely speechless, just like last time.

"Nothing to say like before?" I scoff, "I get it now." I say before start to drive off.

"Y/n!!" I hear her shout from a distance, "Wait!!"

- Written By Dest1iny

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