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(Y/n POV)

Finally. Graduation day.

After all these years in Hanlim, I can finally move on and go pursue what I want.

Everything these days seem so much brighter and just better overall. My dad who had finally come home from that one trip a few months ago parked outside my school.

"Y/n honey, I'm assuming you can see all those cameras and photographers outside waiting." He looks at me, "I'm proud of how far you've made it already but please be careful." My dad says holding my hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." I reassure him as I unbuckle my seat belt and begin to get out the car.

"Ooh and don't forget to say hi to Chaeryeong for me." He says quietly but loud enough to hear him and his happy tone.

"Will do dad, love you." I smile as I wave at him before closing the car door.

As soon as I turn around, I'm met with flashing lights as crowds of people. The only thing that is separating us are the security guards holding them back.

I smile and wave at the cameras as I quickly walk into the school premises, taking a deep breath as I'm finally out of the view of those bright lights.

I'm still not used to the fact with how well known I am now. In just a few months I started to gain so much popularity, numerous companies wanted to sign me as an ambassador. It's so exciting yet some what exhausting at the same time.

"Y/n! You're here!" I hear a familiar voice from across the hallway.

I turn to see Yunjin waving towards me.

Yes that's right. Huh Yunjin. A girl I've gotten close to over this year, I met her over a group project and we clicked so well, we decided to stay in contact which led to this friendship between us.

She ran up to me and hugged me tightly before she slowly let go.

"Did you see how many cameras outside? Oh my god" she said with her accent.

I laughed in reply, "I know.. all I could see when I left my car was white lights." I joked.

"So those were all for you!" She gasped, "oooh Kang Y/n~~" Yunjin nudged my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes in reply before I spoke, "yah what do you mean.. you'll be successful with the amount of talent you have." I say.

She sighs as we begin to walk to class, "don't think so.. after that survival show I think I'm done with kpop." Yunjin shrugs.

"No Yunjin.. why?" I look at her.

"I don't know, maybe it's not for me afterall.. anyways I decided with my parents that I'll be going back to New York for a bit." She said slowly.

"You're going back?" She nodded as I continued, "but you said you were--"

"I know I know... but I thought about it again and decided to go back, we'll stay in contact though." She smiled.

"You better come back for me." I furrowed my eyebrows at her, slightly annoyed but sad that she would be leaving for god knows how long.

"I will.." she says as she glances at she clock, seeing it's time for class, "now how about we go see your girl hmm?" She teases me.

Of course I told her about my relationship with Chaeryeong. I felt like I can trust her to not say anything about it and yes I did ask Chaeryeong if it was okay to tell someone else.

We slide the door open to see Ryujin, Somi and Chaeryeong sitting at a desk as we enter the room.

Chaeryeong instantly pulls me over to her side, holding my hand tightly.

"Woah now Chaeryeong she's all yours." Yunjin joked making the girls laugh.

"Are you ready for the photos?" Somi asked us.

"Of course we are.." Ryujin laughed.

Yunjin sighs before speaking, "I can't believe we won't be going to school anymore."

"I know right.. It seems so weird the more I think about it." Somi replies.

"Well.. at least we dom't have boring lessons anymore." Ryujin added as the girls agreed.

The door at the front of the class quickly slid open as the teacher walked in.

"Good morning everyone.." He says loudly, "hope you're enjoying your last day here." He sighs, "now.. important information, this class will have your photos taken at 11:30pm sharp. If you miss it, you won't be in the photo. Individual photos will start for everyone at 12:30 so make sure you get there on time. Other than that do whatever." He says before exiting the classroom.

"Wow. They really don't care anymore." Somi laughs.

"I know right, before they were prioritising us for the exams, now what." I reply.

"Since it starts at 11:30, let's chat for a bit." Yunjin says, "what do you guys want to do when your older?"

Ryujin looks around before answering, "I think this goes for me and Chaeryeong but we'll most likely continue in Itzy and it'll be our third year when we're 21.."

"Wah.. that seems so far away.." Somi says.

"What about you Yunjin?" Chaeryeong asks.

She sighs, "well you guys know I'm leaving so... maybe a career in the US by the time I'm 21? I'm not sure, but definitely doing something with music." Yunjin nods.

"That's good, what about you Y/n?" Chaeryeong looks toward me.

"Me?" I pause and think for a few seconds before replying, "first let's see how far this modelling stuff takes me, then I'm sure more options will open up." I reply.

"Makes sense." Somi replies.

"What do you think you'll be doing?" Ryujin looks at Somi.

"Still trapped under Black Label~ still making music..." she says sarcastically making us laugh, "I'm joking I enjoy it there, to some extent anyways, but I'll keep my career as it is for now."

"Good choice." Yunjin gives her a thumbs up, "should we have one last hug before we go take the photos?"

"Is that even a question?" Ryujin laughs before we all gather together for a tight group hug.

We slowly let go before exiting the classroom for the photos.

I'm met again with those flashing lights, yet this time I'm not alone. I'm next to my closest friends I've ever had in my life right now, including the one I love the most. Chaeryeong.

Only wishing I could tell the world about it, but knowing I can't hurts me slightly because I want everyone to know that she's mine.

And hopefully mine forever.

- Written by Dest1iny
- 1109 words

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