Chapter 2: Summer Vacation

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Zhang Yansheng saw the light in the darkness of death, opened her eyes, and she turned out to be in her bedroom. She had been fooling around outside for the past year or two and had never returned to live there much. Moreover, the decoration and arrangement of the room were clearly what it looked like when she was in middle school, totally different from how it was before she died.

She ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and found that her body shrank and became shorter and flatter. She had a clean face, which showed a teenage appearance.

After taking a glance at the date on the old cellphone from many years ago and unwillingly turning on the computer that was obsolete in her memory a few years ago to look at the date on it, Yansheng was finally convinced that she had been reborn after death and returned to the year when she was in the third year of middle school at the age of fifteen.

She sat on the sofa in the room for two full hours to digest this information.

So, I… got a chance to start over again? Is that right?

She suddenly remembered the ethereal voice in the ultimate darkness—may you take the right path in your next life.

She got excited and suddenly stood up from the sofa.

She got excited and suddenly stood up from the sofa.

That’s right! This new life could no longer be as messy as it was in her previous life. She didn’t realize until she died that this is her own life, and how stupid she was to compete with others and ruined herself.

So now, what’s going to happen? What should I do this time?

Yansheng turned around twice, looked around, and saw her familiar desk. She hurriedly walked over to take a look. The desk was neatly cleaned by a servant at home. She randomly pulled out a workbook for the third year of middle school. She opened her eyes and felt the sweat on her forehead.

Not even one question?!

Not! Even! One! Question?!

What she learned back then had been returned to the teacher.

When she died, she had not graduated yet from a diploma mill1野鸡大学 – diploma mill – an institution of higher education operating without supervision of a state or professional agency and granting diplomas that are either fraudulent or because of the lack of proper standards worthless (i.e. using money to get a diploma by going to a bogus college/clown college) where she could go to study by paying some money. In fact, she didn’t go to class that much at all. It was just a mess.

And now, it was only in mid-July, the summer vacation after her third year of middle school graduation. In other words, in one month, she would go to high school.

She would go to No. 1 High School in K City. This was a very good school that was in the top position of the pyramid in K City.

She didn’t know how much her father had spent to get her into this school in her previous life. However, it was a pity that her academic performance plummeted in high school. Later on, she gave up on her own accord and started skipping school, and even smoking, drinking, and fighting. The impact was so bad that spending money would not absolve it, so she was expelled from this school in the end.

Her father couldn’t help but enrolled her in a private high school to mess around. After graduation, he sent her to that bogus college for her to get a diploma. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for his father to say that his eldest daughter only had a high school degree.

A lifetime of youth and being young, it was so absurd to be wasted.

It was really useless.

When Yansheng recalled all of these, her heart felt uncomfortable and her sweat broke out.

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