Chapter 18: Take pictures

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Yansheng was also studying in the room all morning. She made a plan for herself to get back all the knowledge from middle school before the end of the summer vacation.

In the basic education stage, there were many things to memorize by rote; and mathematics, physics, and chemistry were all about formulas.

It had been many years since Yansheng said goodbye to these things. So now, she basically had to learn them all from scratch. She started stuffing knowledge into her mind two days ago and it was really painful. On this day, she finally felt that the blocked areas of her brain had been hard-opened, so she began to absorb and digest it gradually.

When it was time for lunch, a servant downstairs called her. She hung up the phone and went downstairs, but she ran into Yingying on the way, who was wrapped in a silk nightgown. She was a little surprised that Yingying didn’t go out today.

When Yingying lifted her long hair comfortably and deliberately exposed her neck, Yansheng suddenly realized that this woman was not going out, but had just gotten up instead.

The skin exposed on her neck and chest was covered with strawberry marks, suggesting the reason why she got up so late today.

Yingying said lazily, “I was exhausted last night. I have to have lunch quickly. I made an appointment to go shopping in the afternoon.”

Her charming eyes were silky and the breath of heat was exuded all over her body.

Yansheng stared at the strawberry marks on her skin and suddenly remembered something.

In the past, during weekends or holidays, there were indeed times when Yingying would get up very late. If she got up late, she would often dress very exposed and would dangle in front of Yansheng, with strawberry marks on her neck.

This situation had actually existed since a long time ago. However, Yansheng didn’t understand the meaning behind it until she got into high school. Occasionally, she would feel sick whenever she saw those marks and thought that they were the traces left by her father.

Yansheng was so sickened and never realized before that Yingying did not inadvertently let her see those marks, but did it on purpose instead.

With an ostentatious and proud mentality, Yingying deliberately let her see those traces left after a night of intimacy with Huan, and deliberately disgusted Yansheng.

An adult woman secretly used her sexual affairs with a man to disgust an underage girl. That man was still the girl’s father.

Yansheng stared at Yingying.

Right now, Yansheng was no longer ashamed or disgusted by the traces of male and female sexual affairs. However, she really felt sickened by Yingying’s mentality and behavior.

She took out her cell phone with a straight face and took a few pictures of Yingying’s chest and neck.

Yingying had no reaction at first and continued to go downstairs.

Then suddenly, she was stunned and caught up to Yansheng. “Hey, why did you take pictures of me?”

“You are bare-chested, didn’t you just show it to me?” said Yansheng, full of sarcasm. “I took some pictures, so I can take a good look later.”

Yingying wrapped the left and right sides of the open silk nightgown, fastened the belt, and ‘covered’ herself up. “You delete them now!”

Yansheng stopped and gave her a sideways look. She opened her palms, made a fist, opened it again, and made a fist again.

“You know what? It’s best not to approach me within half a meter,” said Yansheng. “Everyone has a self-defense mechanism, so when a disgusting thing approached me, I wanted to punch it naturally.”

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