Chapter 120: Coincidence

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Zhang Yansheng called the waiter to pay the bill only to find out why she felt that her arms were full, she was still holding Zhang Heling!

As soon as she loosened her hand and let Zhang Heling slide down, Qian Wei suddenly patted the table: “Ah! You are! It’s you!”

Zhang Yansheng/Zhang Heling: “?”

“You are that girl! You are that girl!” Qian Wei became excited, “Koala hugged the female alpha!”

He just thought how the look of this girl’s hug gesture was so familiar! She is the girl who was on fire for a while last year. Later, she said that he would not make a video, so the popularity gradually decreased.

Such a shameful title can be said to be a man of God.

Zhang Yansheng was speechless. Yue Song’s eyes are full of smiles: “We followed you on the video platform.”

Seeing the smile in his eyes and thinking of those videos with fake acting skills, which has left a black history on her life like this, people like Zhang Yansheng who are so calm want to hold their foreheads.

Yue Song smiled even more.

He watched Zhang Yansheng input his phone number and looked up at him. He said: “Yue Song. The Yue is for the mountain, the Song is for the pine tree.”

He also finished typing Zhang Yansheng’s phone number. Zhang Yansheng said, “My name is…”

“Zhang Yansheng. The Yan for the wild goose, Sheng for the loud voice of hope.” The corners of Yue Song’s mouth curled up, “I know.”

The two people looked at each other again.

Zhang Yansheng saw the temperature in Yue Song’s gaze. He was not impatient, but rather very calm.

Her heart suddenly calmed down.

She did not ask Yue Song why he knew her name on the spot. In this life, neither she nor Xu Lichen will ever be short-lived again. The future is infinite. She has a lifetime to trace the fate that happened with Yue Song before they met.

The waiter came and Zhang Yansheng paid the bill.

Qian Wei and the others had never experienced such a thing of being treated by a beautiful girl who they had never known, so they were all a little at a loss. But Yue was relieved, as if the money paid by the girl was not money.

A few hundred yuan!

Yue Song asked, “Would you like to eat here?”

Zhang Heling hurriedly said, “We are going to the next one! Uncle… Big Brother, the next one is recommended with five stars, and this one is only recommended with four and a half stars!”

Qian Wei looked very old, like a 30-year-old, Zhang Heling wanted to call everyone at this table uncle, but when she saw Yue Song’s handsome young face just like jade, she subconsciously changed her mind halfway through.

Zhang Yansheng patted Zhang Heling lightly on the top of her head and said, “Yes, we are going to the one next to this restaurant.”

It’s not that she doesn’t want to talk more with Yue Song. In fact, when she saw Yue Song again in this life, there were thousands of words surging in her chest. But at the same time, she clearly felt that this young man, who had been in her heart since she was reborn, was actually a complete stranger to her.

Those thousands of words can’t be spit out.

But still, there will be ample time for that later.

She said, “We’ll go first, let’s get in touch later.”

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