Chapter 57: Dog licking

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What Zhang Yansheng couldn’t believe was that Zhang Zhiyuan, the provincial champion of that year, was not in the top class, but was actually mixed in the preparatory class. It’s so surprising, and so when she returned his notebook, she could not help saying: “You have such a good score, so why are you here in the preparatory classes?”

Zhang Zhiyuan said in surprise: “The results of the monthly exam have already come out?”

They have just finished the monthly exam, and the overall score ranking has not yet come out.

Zhang Yansheng knew that she had made a mistake, so she covered it up and said, “It would probably come out in the afternoon, right? I mean, I just think that you remember your notes so well, so your learning habits must be very good and your grades should be very good.”

Zhang Zhiyuan smiled shyly and said, “It was okay in middle school, but Yi High School is the best high school in K City, so… you see.”

It’s said that the school tyrants are very hypocritical. Their ‘okay’ is not the same thing as your ‘okay’. If you take it seriously, you will be stupid.

Zhang Yansheng understood the meaning of his words, and roughly guessed that he should be one of the top students from the middle school. But since Yi High School was at the tip of the K City pyramid, he entered and became an ‘ordinary outstanding’ student.

But a good and hardworking person can’t hide his edge. In the next three years, this boy will still stand out and show his brilliance.

It was the same three years, others’ three years and her own three years… Zhang Yansheng became silent.

“Zhang Yansheng?” Zhang Zhiyuan asked a little worried, “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay, I was just distracted.” Zhang Yansheng smiled and returned the notebook to him, “I took photos of your notes, as I also want to learn the method on how you take notes.”

Zhang Zhiyuan smiled embarrassed. When Zhang Yansheng walked away, he quietly let out a sigh of relief and really relaxed.

The boy in the next seat winked at him. Zhang Zhiyuan’s ears turned a bit red.

In the afternoon, the results of the first monthly exam came out.

Zhang Yansheng’s expression was very bad — her total score is ranked within the bottom five of the class, she is hanging by a thread. According to the placement rules of Yi High School, it is adjusted on the middle of semester. If someone in the ordinary class surpasses their grades, the students at the bottom ranking will be pushed down.

For teenagers, this kind of last-place elimination system is really cruel.

Even for the reborn Zhang Yansheng, it was… very stressful.

Zhang Yansheng deliberately took a look at Zhang Zhiyuan’s grades, and it turned out to be much better than her. But it’s not particularly good, as you consider it as average in Class 2.

So, there’s really someone who spent three years trying to become a champion.

Zhang Yansheng couldn’t help but turned her head and glanced in Zhang Zhiyuan’s direction, she unexpectedly met Zhang Zhiyuan’s gaze. The boy was a little nervous, and quickly looked away, pretending to be reading a textbook. It’s just that the page turning speed is a bit too fast.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he is shy and obscure, a little cute. Zhang Yansheng couldn’t help but hook the corners of her mouth.

When she walked out of the school gate after school, she suddenly heard someone calling her behind her. Zhang Yansheng turned her head, Zhang Zhiyuan ran over, and handed her a square folded thing: “Um… this is my physics paper, you can take it back for reference.”

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