Chapter 70: Pains

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Zhang Yansheng's anger reached its peak.

This anger was expressed by her chill gaze, which only caused Xu Lichen to smile more happily: "I won't do it!"

"If you have the guts, then strangle me." He said, "Come on! Kill me for your love, you are that good!"

But of course, it was impossible for Zhang Yansheng to kill him.

Even Zhang Yansheng understood in her heart that half of her raging anger was because of Zhang Zhiyuan's incident, and the other half... was because of Xu Lichen himself.

At the beginning of her rebirth, Zhang Yansheng regarded Xu Lichen as a person who was from 'three years ago'. They were separated after graduation, each had their own lives and circles, and by the time she died, they never had any contact.

Zhang Yansheng originally intended to treat Wang Qian and Xu Lichen as if they never crossed each other, and made two parallel lines.

But in the same school, in the same corridor, in the same cafeteria, and on the same playground, Xu Lichen's hot gaze is still the same as in her previous life. Every day, they would run into each other, pass by, and glance back obliquely.

Those memories became clearer day by day.

Zhang Yansheng couldn't deny that in her most vulnerable, most sensitive, and hysterical girlhood, when she often collapsed, Xu Lichen... has always been by her side.

He shook her hand, put his arm around her shoulders, stroked her hair, said the most arrogant and nasty words, and once lent her his shoulders to lean on.

It was only because Wang Qian was sandwiched in the middle that they failed to become lovers in the end.

He was the one she set up as her speed dial key '1'. His shortcut key '1' is also set for her.

This is a little secret that Wang Qian doesn't know. They also have many similar little secrets and tacit understanding.

At that age, for Zhang Yansheng, who seemed to treat the whole world an enemy, Xu Lichen was almost the most important person in her life, and the only person she could trust with all her heart. The later time and space erased these tacit understanding and trust.

But now, the more time passes, the more Zhang Yansheng knows that it is impossible for her to cut off her ties with Xu Lichen in the same way that she had cut off her connection with Wang Qian.

She looked at him angrily and found it interesting. She was happy to see his progress in learning. She saw that he was suffering from being young and second-grader, and she couldn't wait to beat him up on the spot like Zhang Shuocheng.

This fool couldn't understand her mood at all. He has not experienced death and rebirth like she did. After all, he is still a stupid teenager who is only 15 to 16 years old.

He hasn't grown up yet.

Zhang Yansheng stared at Xu Lichen's arrogant smiling face and made a fierce expression.

People have to grow up, sooner or later. Either it is up to others to push him to grow up, or it is up to her.

She loosened his throat and smiled coldly.

Xu Lichen stared at her with fascination.

He didn't know why Zhang Yansheng showed such an indescribable expression. Her eyes seemed to be fierce and sad.

But she looked at him intently. From the moment he was surprised by her in the school hallway, her eyes never seemed to look at him seriously.

The way she looked at him like this now, she was cold, fierce, and cruel.

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