Chapter 16 : Ferule

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Heling felt strange as she suddenly she felt comfortable at home these days.

It all seemed to have started from the sudden change in her sister’s attitude toward her the night before.

The little girl was very surprised by this subtle change that she could not tell. She repeatedly assured her sister that she would never spend money indiscriminately and would definitely keep it within the amount Yansheng gave her.

She originally wanted to go back to her room to unpack the new game console. However, the pocket money fell from the sky all of a sudden, so she threw away the thought of unpacking the game console.

Seeing Yansheng carrying a pile of bags to the cloakroom, she put down the game console first and followed over to help.

“Sister, did you buy new clothes?”

“Mm-hmm,” Yansheng replied indifferently as she cut the tags on the new clothes.

Heling handed the hangers to Yansheng and also helped her hang the clothes.

Heling was careful and she quickly discovered something. “Sister, the new clothes you bought are not the same style as your old clothes.”

Hearing that, Yansheng raised her eyes and scanned the clothes hanging in her wardrobe. It was indeed a very different style.

At this time, Yansheng was still a good girl so the clothes in her wardrobe were very fresh, pure, and youthful. But later on, she became a ‘bad girl’ with multiple tattoos on her body. Even if she didn’t want to go the old way anymore, her aesthetics were completely different from this time.

Today, she specially bought some clothes that match her aesthetic.

The new clothes were all brightly colored, publicity-seeking, and mature in design. It was completely different from the fresh style of the past.

She picked up a set of clothes, put them in front of her, looked in the mirror, and asked Heling, “Does it look good?”

“It looks good!“ Heling propped her elbows on the jewelry storage table in the middle of the closet, held her chin, and said, “Sister, I think you seem to be very different from before.”

Yansheng looked at herself in the mirror and smiled faintly.

She didn’t want to ask Heling what she was like in the past, nor did she want to think about what she would be like in the future. Since she had returned to this point in time, she wanted to overturn everything, start over, and be a brand-new her.

“Hey, Sister, what is this?” Heling suddenly bent over and pulled the paper bag, and took out a long flat bamboo stick from the inside. “Is this… a ruler?”

But there was no scale on it, instead, it was engraved with dense small characters. If you looked closely, the engraving was the ‘Three Character Classic’.1The Three Character Classic (Chinese: 三字经, 三字經), commonly known as San Zi Jing, also translated as Trimetric Classic, is one of the Chinese classic texts. This work is not one of the traditional six Confucian classics, but rather the embodiment of Confucianism suitable for teaching young children.

“What is this for?” asked Heling.

Yansheng hung up her clothes, stretched out her hand to take that thing from the little girl’s hand, and said, “Stretch out your hand.”

Heling was puzzled but she stretched out a hand obediently.

Zhang Yansheng turned her hand over to show the palm of her hand and patted that thing lightly on her palm. “To do this.”

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