Chapter 115: Variable

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Before New Year’s Eve, Zhang Yansheng returned with Zhang Heling. Because the old lady is still alive, the Zhang family still spends the New Year together every year.

But this year, it seems that her aunt and eldest cousin are very happy, and they specially told everyone: “They will start broadcasting the drama before the start of the new school semester. The promotion team has done very well and it is now being discussed on the internet.”

It turned out that the TV series invested by Zhang Qi was about to be released soon, for the Spring Festival.

Zhang Qi asked, “How is the movie that Yanyan invested in? I heard that it was originally scheduled to be released during the Chinese New Year this year, but it was moved again? This is the second time already, right?”

Hearing her tone, you’ll know that she was quite concerned.

“That’s right.” Zhang Yansheng had predicted it a long time ago, so she said indifferently, “Isn’t that what movies are like? They are much more troublesome than TV series.”

“Therefore, investment still has to be carefully considered and measured in many ways.” Zhang Qi said earnestly, “You can’t listen to others fooling around and pay out when your mind is hot. In this case, our family will not be able to lose even if we have a lot of money. Don’t you think so?”

Zhang Yansheng nodded inwardly: “Elder sister is right.”

Zhang Heling raised her eyes and looked at Zhang Qi, then at Zhang Yansheng, without saying a word.

At night, she quietly asked Zhang Yansheng: “Sister, are we going to lose money?” Standing in line and standing correctly, she knows who is included in the word ‘we’.

Zhang Yansheng patted her on the head: “I’m not sure.”

Zhang Heling was worried.

Zhang Yansheng was speechless: “What makes a child like you worry about this?”

Zhang Heling said unhappily: “If we lose money, aunt and Sister Qiqi will have to say something unpleasant again.”

When she was growing up, she didn’t understand the meaning behind those eccentric words.

Zhang Yansheng clasped her head and said with certainty: “I won’t lose, so don’t think about it.”

Zhang Heling became happy. She grabbed Zhang Yansheng and asked quietly: “What about Sister Qiqi’s TV series?”

Zhang Yansheng: “How would I know?”

Since she was not able to get a straight answer from Zhang Yansheng, Zhang Heling was really scratching her heart and lungs.

So, she really guarded the time to watch the TV series.

“The characters are very good-looking.” She commented in a pertinent manner.

Zhang Yansheng didn’t watch it. The title of that drama is《A Man who Holds the Sky》. Zhang Yansheng didn’t want to watch it when she heard the title. She asked, “How was it?”

Zhang Heling: “The characters are very good-looking.”

“…” Zhang Yansheng, “Then what?”

“There was this one man who was not good at first, then he became more and more powerful, more and more difficult to deal with, and in the end, no one could beat him. All the people who bullied him ended up very badly, and those who said bad things to him also ended up very badly.” Zhang Heling concluded, “Then there were a few women, but there’s only one man. A woman kissed him today, and another woman will kiss him tomorrow. A woman misunderstood him today, and another woman will misunderstand him tomorrow. Anyway, no one is willing to explain the matter well, so they just keep misunderstanding and getting angry with each other. When the misunderstanding was resolved, they would kiss again. Also, there is a person who always fights with others, while talking to a few women who don’t understand him clearly, but in the end these women still admire him very much.”

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