Chapter 20

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in so long been busy with work and celebrating my bday but I will try to update more this week to make up for it!

I blinked a couple of times, taking in my surroundings as my vision got clearer. I must've fallen asleep... I wiped my face to rid it of rain, glancing around the field. The bodies of soldiers still lying around, indicating they were still unconscious... or dead.

I went to sit up more, when I finally noticed weight leaning on my shoulder. Confused, I turned my head to the source, where my eyes landed on black hair.

"Luffy...!" I gasped out, widening my eyes in surprise. When did he get here? I kept my gaze on him, taking in his appearance. He doesn't look too good... I felt my lips turn down into a small frown of concern. "What happened to you...?" I whispered more so to myself than Luffy.


I blinked a couple of times, "Eh?"


Pinpointing the sound to be coming from Luffy's stomach, I let out a chuckle. Always hungry. I shook my head as I began to move my shoulder. "Luffy, wake up."

After a few attempts, I finally heard him let out a groan as he lifted his head slightly. "Ughhh... What happened?"

I let out a sigh as he was still coming to, glancing back out to the field. "I should be asking you that."

I felt Luffy's head leave my shoulder as I turned my head back in his direction, as I felt his hands grip onto my arms. "Your awake!"

I tilted my head to the side in confusion, "Uh yeah... are you surprised?"

"I was worried! When I got here I found you here and you wouldn't wake up!" He exclaimed worried, though the exhaustion on his face threw me off. "You disappeared all of the sudden when that woman showed up."

I recalled the events that took place in the Seducing Woods up to now. Sighing, I looked down to the ground. "Yeah a lots... happened. Never mind about me, what happened to you? Sanji told me you and Nami were out here, but when I got here all I saw were soldiers littered all over."

"You saw Sanji?" Luffy asked, voice serious all of the sudden.

I nodded my head, "Yeah..."

It was quiet for a moment as Luffy let go of my shoulders, now leaning against the tree, an arm draped over his stomach. "I see."

I wanted to ask what he meant, but I never got an answer to what happened. "Now, what happened? When I got here and didn't find you guys... I was worried something happened to you both."

Luffy began to explain how he fought a huge army after his and Sanji's 'encounter' , only to be captured. When they came to, they were in a cell, and spoke to Big Mom about Sanji's wedding.

They managed to escape because of Jimbei, and Nami joined him in the mirror world where Chopper and Carrot were. Then Luffy immediately began making his way back here to wait for Sanji like he promised.

"Jimbei, huh?... We haven't seen him since Fishman Island." I pondered out loud, remembering how he helped us big time.

"So what happened with you?" Luffy broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up towards him, locking gazes with him for a moment before I closed my eyes.

"Well... where do I even start?" I sighed, opening my eyes again, a distant look in my eyes. "After I was taken by Brûlée, I was brought to meet Big Mom..."

"Seriously?! You meet Big Mom!?" Luffy exclaimed in shock.

I nodded my head, bringing my eyes back to his. "Yeah..."

"She didn't do anything did she?! I swear when I get my hands on-" Luffy started to grumble, as I was unable to understand what all he said.

I chuckled slightly before continuing my story. "No she didn't. But-" I stoped, still processing everything. "But she claimed to be my real mother..." I bit my lip, slightly annoyed just by saying it.

"She's your mom...?" He asked, voice raspy from exhaustion.

"So she says." I replied, before I lied my head down in his lap, grabbing one of his hands and playing with his fingers. "Crazy right? If that's true, then..." I replayed the conversation in my head. "Then I meant nothing to her... she left me"

"I'm tired of being left behind." I frowned, at the thought. seeing Ms. Yui die, finding out my mother knew I was alive but did nothing to find me, being left for dead by Moria, being separated from everyone for 2 years, and being told my real mother didn't want me... it had me scared for what the future holds.

If something were to happen to anyone. Nami, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jimbei,... Luffy... I tightened my grip on Luffy's hand unconsciously. Please don't leave me.


I blinked as Luffy's stomach growled again, breaking the silence. "You're really not going to eat anything unless it's Sanji's?" I asked him, recalling during his story how he said he won't eat a single thing unless it was made by the cook.

"Yeah, I'm not moving from this spot until I do." He replied simply.

"But... What if he doesn't show up...?" I trailed, afraid of the answer I would receive.

"I'll keep waiting." Was his answer, one thing I admired, yet hated. I admire the fact he is loyal and willing to do anything for those he cares for, but hate the lengths he goes to do so... how he's willing to put his life on the line without a second thought.

I didn't say anything as I nodded slightly, clenching my hand that lied on the ground, clutching onto the blades of grass between my fingers.

I mentally sighed, knowing his mind was made and nothing with change that. Even so, I won't let you starve yourself. Even if you hate me for it, I will force feed you if I have to, I promised Ace I'd be there to see you become King of the Pirates. And that is a promise I'll die to keep.

It stayed silent between the two of us as I continued playing with his fingers, staring out into the fields as it continued to rain. I felt Luffy's other hand begin to run through my hair, causing me to relax slightly.

When all this is over, hopefully we get a break. I thought to myself as I thought back to how everyone planned to meet back up in Wano before we left Zou.

As I continued to stare off, I began to see a shadow in the distance. "Luffy, something's coming this way..." I trailed, fixated on the shadow as it grew closer. "You think it could be an enemy?"

I began to worry as it grew closer and closer, the fog from all the rain making it hard to see what or who it was.

"If it is... I'll take care of it..." Luffy replied slowly as he started to move to get up, his hands leaving my hair and grasp.

I quickly sat up, placing my hands on his shoulders to stop him from moving. "No way, you're in no condition to fight right now." I stated, giving him a stern expression, "I'll handle it."

"No way." He said, giving me his stare that he gets when he is serious about something. "I won't let you do it."

The two off us had a stare down, waiting for the other to cave in. Seeing he wasn't going to budge, I groaned, rolling my eyes slightly. "Okay, how about this, if you see I am getting overwhelmed, you can jump in, deal?"

He didn't break his gaze, "Fine, we will both fight."

I nearly facepalmed at his reply, seeing how my suggestion went in one ear and out the other. It's like talking to a wall sometimes... "whatever, I give up..." I grumbled, sagging my shoulders forward in defeat.

Hearing footsteps stop behind me, I felt my body stiffen as the two of us turned our attention to stare at the person in front of us, guard up in case we had to move.

My body immediately slackened as I stared up in shock at the person in front of me as they looked down at the both of us with an unreadable expression, a torn basket in their hand.


Published: 08/31/2022

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