Chapter 22

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I was amazed by how many people were gathered for the tea party, even Morgan's, who writes major articles in the papers, was here.

I felt my hands begin to get clammy from worry racking my body. What if something goes wrong? I darted my eyes over everyone in attendance. We don't know nearly enough about the Big Mom Pirates, yet they know plenty about us...

I glanced at the photo of a woman named Mother Caramel out the corner of my eye, before looking at Big Mom in front of me. Our objective was to break the photo, leaving Big Mom in a state of shock... but it won't be easy with her so close to it.

That's where I came in. I am supposed to distract Big Mom and get her to divert her attention away from it in order for Luffy to make a move.

It's twelve o'clock! It's twelve o'clock!

The clock on the wall began to repeat the time as several soldiers stood in line, raising up trumpets into the air, playing music indicating the wedding was starting.

Confetti rained down as a man grabbed hold of a snail, speaking up. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen! It's todays main event! The 35th daughter of Charlotte – Charlotte Pudding-sama and the third son of Vinsmoke – Vinsmoke Sanji-sama's... royal wedding... starts now!"

I glanced up into the air as it got dark, firecrackers flying around everyone chanting the words marriage, before shooting up into the air and exploding into fireworks of Germa 66 and Big Mom's flag.

"Without further ado, here are the bride and groom!"

A light formed in the shape of a candy, revealing Sanji and Pudding. I was thrown off by how beautifully the ceremony was as it floated towards the alter that sat at the top of a giant cake.

The wedding would've been so amazing to watch, had it not been under the circumstances. Snapping out of it, I realized it was bright again and the two were now at the altar.

I watched as Sanji began to lift Pudding's veil, freezing up. I tilted my head, confused as to what was going on. All the sudden, Pudding collapsed to her knees, bringing her canes up to her face.

As Sanji dropped down in front of her, I noticed the priest pull out a gun, aiming at Sanji. "Sanji!" I shouted, bolting up out of my seat. What the hell is going on?!

I heard a gunshot go off, as the priest fell back. Good, he didn't get hit. I mentally let out a sigh of relief. This must mean the plan is a go...

I glanced over to Bege, who was hiding nearby behind a wall, as the plateau began to rumble. I cut my eyes to the cake as several copies of Luffy jumped out, my eyes landing on, what I assumed to be, the real one as he enjoyed the cake.

The guests began to run as I snapped my head to the photo, then to Big Mom. It's now or never.

"Straw Hat Luffy?!" Big Mom exclaimed, staring wide eyed at the scene, breathing heavily as her cake tumbled to the ground. "That bastard!"

She began to take a few steps forward, eyes unblinking as she continued to stare at the cake. "My... precious... cake is..." She stretched a hand out towards it, as if that was going to save it. "The cake is..."

She placed her hands onto her head, beginning to hyperventilate, mumbling to herself. She tilted her head up into the air and began to wail. "Cake! Bring me a new cake..."

She ordered the chefs that stood in front of her, a fierce look on her face. When none of them moved, she grimaced, frowning. "Life... or... wedding cake?!" I watched, horrified as three of the four chefs lost their life. This... is Big Mom's power?!

She diverted her attention to the fakes, attempting to stomp on them until she found the real one, her anger rising with each second just as the cake made contact with the ground. "Show yourself, Straw Hat!"

A skull from the cake flew into the air, due to Luffy kicking it. "I'm here!" Luffy, you idiot! Your supposed to remain unseen!

Luffy jumped forward, heading our direction, taking a quick glance at the photo that resided on the table. Luffy jumped into the air, prepared to attack, when he was caught in some black substance. I glanced to the source seeing it was one of Big Mom's son, Katakuri's leg. A devil fruit.

Luffy squirmed around to get out, unable to. "Katakuri! Are you trying to help me? You're my son – you can't do-"

"No, Mama!" Katakuri cut Big Mom off, "He was going after... Mother Caramel's portrait." I stiffened up at his reply. W-What the hell?! He was able to figure out what we were going to do?

That's when it hit me. (Truck-chan🤌)  He was able to use Haki. During the past two years with Law, I made sure to learn about as much as I could and about Haki.

There are three types: Armament, Observation, and Conqueror's. In the log book I found, there was an entry about how those with Observation Haki were able to foresee events in a short period into the future.

It's either that, or he somehow managed to catch wind of our plans, which is highly unlikely. I watched as Jimbei jumped in, helping Luffy break free. How are we going to break the photo now if Katakuri can see it coming...?

"I thought you gave up leaving my crew... But you defended the guy who broke the cake... I take it as complete mutiny, is that okay with you? Jimbei?" Big Mom informed Jimbei.

"Yes, I'm absolutely okay with that." Jimbei replied simply, as the two stared each other down.

Big Mom let out a chuckle, a smirk growing on her face. "You have some nerve..."

Jimbei closed his eyes, "I want to leave your crew and..." He paused before opening his eyes once more, giving her a hard glare. "Join the Straw Hats!"

I widened my eyes at his statement. There's no hesitance or doubt in his decision...! Even went as far as to announce it in front of everyone, especially Big Mom herself!

Big Mom went to use her devil fruit on Jimbei to take his remaining lifespan, however, what she didn't expect, was for Jimbei to not fear her or death. Jimbei... you-

"H-His soul isn't coming out of his body!" A man exclaimed in bewilderment, seeing Big Mom's attempt fail. "This can't be true... He's not even a bit afraid of Mama!"

"Of course not..." Jimbei trailed off, not breaking his gaze away from Big Mom. "I'm a man who wants to be part of the future Pirate King's crew...  I can't be intimidated by a mere Emperor of the Sea!"

My respect went up for Jimbei ten fold as he returned the sake cup back to Big Mom, revoking his bond and alliance to her. And everyone knows, how sacred sharing cups of sake is to a pirate.

Published: 09/04/2022

A/N: Okay so when writing this series, I've been watching One Piece in dub until it goes back to sub, and I find out Katakuri's English VA is ALSO the man who voiced Sniper Mask from High Rise Invasion?! ... why am I just now finding this out!?😩😩🤌🤌

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